Sunday, September 24, 2017

Police shooting an Oklahoma deaf man

   On a Tuesday evening an incident occurred where officers fatally shot a deaf man as the neighbors shorted that he couldn't hear their commands telling him to drop the pipe he was holding. The pipe Magdiel Sanchez, 35, was carrying had been fashioned into a fairly large weapon, Oklahoma Police Chief Billy Citty said at the press conference. It was tied around how wrist disabling Sanchez from letting it go out of his hands when in use. Officers were acting off of information given to officers about a green truck allegedly involved in an accident, after Lt. Matthew Lindsey arrived at the location and found a green truck matching the description. Sanchez advanced to the front yard holding what Matthews said was the pipe. Matthew called for backup which then another officer, Sgt. Christopher Barnes, arrived both proceeded to shouting to Sanchez to drop the weapon, even though the neighbors were yelling at them telling the officers that Sanchez was deaf. But unable to hear the neighbors the officers continued to shout. As Sanchez continued towards the officers Matthew shit his stun gun first and Barnes followed shooting Sanchez with his gun. After Sanchez received medical attention he was pronounced dead. Sanchez's neighbors were devastated saying that, “Sanchez didn't deserve to die like that” and that Sanchez would “always” carry around that pipe mainly to shoo away the stray dogs that roamed the neighborhood.

  This action by the police officers were both brash and precautionary. Whole it can be said that what the officers did was wrong it can also be said that it was purely based on protocol and just not being able to understand Sanchez's sign language. This event is happening at a time where police officers in general do not have the best look with civilians, minorities in particular. By doing this the Oklahoma Police Dept may begin to face massive criticism which may result in a change of how the police do things. In a situation such as this what are the officers supposed to do if they can't understand the suspect while they are in possession of a weapon and not following the orders which are being given to them? Things like this are tragic but are also unavoidable since you can't entirely be prepared for every situation. But even if situations like this were to happen I do believe that the officers should at least be held accountable for his actions, be it as it may even when he has limited options to choose from while in the moment.


  1. I do agree that this particular situation made it a bit difficult for the officers involved, but the police force is still too trigger happy when it comes to the weapons they possess. They could have handled the situation with a good outcome if they actually listened to the civilians that were telling them he was deaf. Well now due to stupidity and power trips, they replaced his deafness with death.

  2. Naseer Ansari-The situation itself is kinda stupid while they could have actually taken a much gentler approach. They could have possibly kept him calm and then brought in someone who knew sign language and could really talk to him in order to assess the situation. The officers even ignored the neighbors who obviously told them he was deaf which could have avoided the whole incident entirely and it would never have had to escalate that quickly. The more shootings that happen the more it seems that police are starting to slack in their jobs, they don't seem to wanna actually investigate any allegations or see into the situations more to get the full story to make the right assumption

    1. You mention a much gentler approach, what could this approach be and how could it keep both the officers and the suspect safe?

  3. I agree that this situation is very hard to control but at the same time going in thinking every person you are going up against is a threat is not right. The officer could have gone in the try to keep the situation calm so in the event he is a threat there could have a little as much damage done as possible and in the since that he didn't the situation played out as it did. Going in with a different mind set is key to truly trying to help the people in need of it and going in aggressive is one step closer to accidents like this. In conclusion this cop should be trialed for this incident because his actions lead to a death. This death shows how this cop didn't try to understand the seen he only went for one part of it and it ended in the death of a man known to his neighbors as a good man.

  4. There are always situations where a cop is over using hia power and because of that someone's life is lost. This man was deaf and didn't deserve to go out the way he did simply because he didn't understand the officers orders. I understand that the police have a right to be cautious in their line of work and that they want to keep themselves safe but that is no excuse. There are other ways of solving that solution rather than taking someone's life who in fact didnt seem like a threat to the police. All in all, the police should have gone a different way in this situation

  5. Police must follow through a slow protocol to think about the situations when it comes to stuff like this, police are suppose to ready for every situation and must be sharp about a situation, this shows that some officers do not use common sense when it comes to people just because they have a badge and a gun some feel power can be used and power goes over all and in this situation it shows that common sense and proper protocol was not executed, my question is what should police officers learn in the academy on how to excute a proper protocol on every situation?

  6. Most of the comments already touched on it but I agree that this situation could’ve been handled very differently. The way that the situation was handled was very rash and shouldn’t have been this severe of a situation. The police need to asses the situation a lot better if they intend on keeping everyone safe

  7. I feel as though police officers are trained well enough to handle situations better than they do. The stun gun and regular gun are suppose to be used as a last resort or to defend themselves. However in this situation one officer decided to shoot him with the real gun after the first officer already tased him. That was an unnecessary move on his part. Not only that but they didn’t attempt to use physical force before shooting him. This is just another case of police brutality/excessive force.
