Assignment Description

Scholars are expected to stay informed about current events in this class. It is strongly suggested that you read or watch the news daily to facilitate understanding of the concepts and information presented in class and to make the necessary connections between the actual operation of government and theoretical operation of government.
Accountability for staying current on the news and making these connections will take the form of participation in a current event blog, Each scholar will be expected to post weekly as an original blogger or a commenter.

Each scholar will be assigned a week that they will be required to find an article to make one original current event post to the blog by Sunday 11:59PM EST.* The post should include:
      Title and link to an article that is no less than 250 words. These articles must be no more than 14 days older than due date of current event!!!
      A summary of the article
      An analysis/reflection of the article that includes: the impact of this event/decision, the consequences of this event/decision (good and bad), how it relates to class content, personal opinion, etc.
The scholar is also responsible for responding to at least one scholar comment on his original post by Fri 2PM of that same week.

An excellent original POST is one that:
      Introduces a new current event topic that has not yet been posted
      Connects current event to specific class content/concepts in synopsis
      Provides a link to an article from a reliable news source
      Includes reaction/reflection to the news article and poses an issue or question for discussion

Each scholar will read their peers' blogs and make comments on at least 2 posts (there will be about 3-5 to choose from each week). Good feedback is a response to what has been written. Make sure that your comments have substance and are not summaries of the original post.  Comments are due by Thu 3PM of that same week.

A full-credit COMMENT is one that:
      Directly address the material or ideas presented in the post
      Brings up a new perspective or idea (if you agree with previous comments, you must include a new reason for your beliefs. To encourage new perspectives, attempt to insert a devil’s advocate opinion).
      Is posted regularly each week

      Uses respectful academic language while agreeing and disagreeing with posts

*Articles can be on any of the following areas: constitutional issues, power, abuse of government, amendments, foreign policy (U.S. relations with foreign countries) or national/domestic policy (examples would include: Homeland Security, immigration, taxes, healthcare reform, education, judicial nominations, the economy), Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, government agencies, political parties, interest groups, campaign for the presidency, public opinion and polls.
The articles can be local, state, national, or international stories.


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