Sunday, September 18, 2016

Explosion Rocks NYC's Chelsea Neighborhood

Image result for new york explosion

Early indications of the explosion at 23rd Street and 6th Avenue in Manhattan were at about 8:30 p.m. Saturday "was an intentional act." The explosion injured 29 people in Manhattan. Police investigators found a second suspicious device nearby the explosion site. The device at the second location in Chelsea appears to be a pressure cooker according to local and federal law enforcement officials. Investigators believe the blast was an act of terrorism. Because of this police have increased the security across New York's five boroughs as a precaution. This relates to AP GOPO because the government is there to provide security for the people. When people around the nation see this fear will set in. Americans will fear for their safety and if our government can keep us safe. They will want to find out what government official are doing to keep everything under control. I believe that once they find out who is to blame for the explosion and their motive they should try to prevent it from happening again.


  1. Do you think that 24/7 video surveillance (like in London) should become the norm in big cities like NYC? What is more important: security or privacy?

    1. How is 24/7 video surveillance in the streets going to intrude on someones privacy?

    2. Because the government is watching you even when you are not doing something.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. There are ways the government can keep a close eye on what the people are doing without invading their privacy. There doesn't have to be cameras in every room of a house. Just have them placed and angled where you can see what people are doing outside theirs homes without blind spots.

    5. So ppl are not entitled to privacy outside of their home?

  2. Nice blog, but i feel like the increase in security would make people feel uncomfortable and maybe a little unsafe.
    I think it doesn't matter who they blame because that wouldn't stop someone from making another bomb.

    1. So what can the government do to stop this?

    2. As we said before keep a close surveillance on the people of the country. Increase security in popular areas.

  3. But aren't people already feeling unsafe?

  4. But aren't people already feeling unsafe?

  5. I believe that NYC is doing just fine with handling this event and 24/7 surveillance isn't necessary. We have been through worse and it seems to me we haven't let this get in our way,however I do agree with an increase of police security is necessary but how will They (police) treat civilians they judge to be suspicious through a racial profile?

    1. Is racial profiling wrong? Should we be more proactive so this doesnt happen again? Because there were 5 bombs found this am.

    2. If racial profiling wasn't used just to keep minorities back racial profiling wouldn't be wrong. All that it does is potentially stop a crime before it could happen. But because its so closely related to racism towards blacks and Latinos it has a bad rep.

  6. Do you have anything to worry about if you are NOT doing anything?

  7. Although racial profiling is seen as being wrong and against our morals, it can save lives and prevent dangerous situations. In this situation maybe racial profiling could have prevented the building explosion. The threat of terrorism is real.

    1. So are you willing to be stopped and frisked because you "fit the description" in the name of safety?

  8. I agree with you Bryce. I feel that being racially profiled is very disturbing. In this case I feel that the NYPD should actually continue there harsh methods because it has been found very effective.

    1. I disagree with this. While it does have the potential to decrease crime, it is morally unjust and goes against the belief that all men and woman are created equally. To racially profile someone is to say that they are more likely to do wrong simply because of their race. The only real deciding factor as to which race is going to be racially profiled is what are the races of the people in charge because every race commits crimes.

  9. Like Ms Harris said maybe surveillance should be present in really big city's such as London, New York City,LA and others.

  10. I agree with you Bryce. I feel that being racially profiled is very disturbing. In this case I feel that the NYPD should actually continue there harsh methods because it has been found very effective.

  11. I agree with your point Zack. People have and always will question whether the government can protect the people of this nation but, The government cant do it alone. There are somethings people can do to ensure their safety. They don't say " If you see some thing say something" for any reason. The government is human too. They make mistakes and they don't see or know everything. The people of this nation should stay alert at all times to ensure their own safety. That is the best way

  12. I think the bombing is a result of poor security and security should be tightened. But it would be difficult to do. If their is 24/7 surveillance it doesn't prevent the crime from happening it just gives more evidence of who committed the crime. I would suggest stop and frisk which could help stop the crime before it happens but unfortunately it could lead to more police brutality and cause an even worse situation for police.

  13. the bombing that occurred in Chelsea was something terrible that happened, but it could not have been prevent. their are so many terrible things happening all throughout America that some people just fall through the cracks.

  14. the bombing that occurred in Chelsea was something terrible that happened, but it could not have been prevent. their are so many terrible things happening all throughout America that some people just fall through the cracks.
