Monday, September 26, 2016

Rising homicide rate in Mexico wiping out recent gains

  Straight  from  the  article  it states  " the  first  two  months  of  2016  saw  a  total  of  3,158  people  killed,,," As  soon  as  I  read  that  I  think  to  myself  that  gang  violence  must  be  the  reason  why the  homicide  rate  went  up. Then  I as  I  continued  to  read  the  article  it  later  stated  that" the  increase  of  homicides  during  the  first  two  months  of  2016  has  affected  more  than  half  of  the  country,,," The  main  questions  in  my  head  at  this  point  is  "what  is  the  mexican  government  going  to  do  to  bring  the  homicide  rate  back  down?" "How  will  the  government  assure  the  peolinkple  of  its  safety?"


  1. What if the government is corrupt and filled with people that allow these homicides to occur? Maybe the question That should be asked is what are the Mexican people going to do to bring the homicide rate back down? It could be the fact that the people are not being cautious while walking through the streets of Mexico. There are many things that could be the cause of the rising homicide rate.

  2. How does this affect U.S. Politics?

  3. I agree with Zack, Mexico is known for having a corrupt government.For example, El chapo has been able to escape many times. The U.S always cleans up the mess behind Mexico .

  4. I think this just feeds into what trump is saying about the violence in Mexico moving over to America. What we could be doin is helping to lower that crime rate instead of building a wall to isolate the crime we could help Mexico by putting a end to the crime

    1. I agree with this. Instances like these only feed into corrupt ideas like that of Donald Trump. It affects our government in the sense that it causes people in politics to have a new issue that they have to tackle. Due to our relations with Mexico politicians feel the need to do something about it.

    2. I agree with the fact that instead of isolating them we should lend a hand in fixing their problems. That would be a good way to gain an ally that we may need resources from in exchange for our assistance with their crime rate.

  5. I would say the government probably doesn't have the resources to handle it. What if there government cant create more jobs (which includes police jobs). If they were to create more jobs in the police force it would put more policemen in the streets of mexico and more than likely decrease the homicide rate.
