Sunday, November 26, 2017

Mexico’s Housing Debacle

Mexico’s Housing Debacle

      In mexico their are a lot of slum house and nothing has been done to change their living environment. These are people that work just as hard as us and should be living in a area that is up to date neighborhoods not a wreck and destroyed environment. The government was working with private developers to help developer a better place for Mexicans like what reporter Richard Marosi states  new "Global investors — the World Bank, big foundations, Wall Street firms — poured billions of dollars into the effort." This would be great progress for us to help change a person's future with the way they live  but we have to think about the aftermath of this of how people will live after this. I think that we can't because of the problems that we are facing even if that something is needed to change with the amount of money being use so why did the government put such a misleading idea in people head that they will help them. This is a major issue because how would you feel if you had to live in a place like this and you had to live in conditions like this "Homeowners toting buckets scrounge for water delivered by trucks. Gutters run with raw sewage from burst pipes. Streets sink, sidewalks crumble, and broken-down water treatment plants rust. In some developments, blackouts hit for days at a time."(R.Moarosi) Do you think that the government will play a big role in this situation with the devastation Mexicans are going through or will they give false hope ?  

President Trump and his Chosen colleagues

In recent news President Trump has shown support for Roy S. Moore, who is running for seat in the Senate. This is something Trump have been doing strong even knowing Mr. Moore is in a sexually harassment scandal. Many woman came front and still are coming forward on how Mr. Moore harassed them and is a sexually predator. Trump does support Mr. Moore talking on how he has a voice as well and if he denies it, it counts for something. As Trump supports him more and more further evidence came out that shows Mr. Moore true intent.  Access Hollywood has a tape that shows Mr. Moore as gloating about grabbing a women's genitalia and it was proven to be true. Question, what does this say about President Trump and what does it have to do with the government ? In my opinion I believe this can effect the government a lot. With a man who heavily seems to enjoy touching women with or without permission in a position of power like the Senate what other people may follow cause of him. Along side having the President what other people like Mr. Moore may get into power due to connections with men like so. In conclusion I believe Mr. Moore shouldn't get and position in the Senate and President Trump shouldn't be supporting a man like this. Trump as president has a connection his the Senate and could sway some of the people which in this case wouldn't be good?
Gun Ownership Requirements Require Change 

     How people receive guns has been a problem that the US constantly overlooks everyday. People that acquire these guns require to go through a background check to make sure that these people are mentally sound to have a gun in their possession. It seems as though these checks either aren’t being given or these checks are not asking the right questions. The state of Pennsylvania believed this to be true as they recently decided to change their laws and procedures on these background checks. The Pennsylvania Instant Checks Systems (PICS) is one of if not the best checking system in the country and the country believes it needs to be the model for how to obtain guns. Obtaining a firearm isn’t something that just anybody should be able to do and they carry out that belief very well. They do such a good job that the government provides 2 million dollars in federal money to the program.
    I believe that this system holds the key to future gun laws in America. PICS believes that not just anyone should be able to obtain a gun and I believe this is the right type of system. Recently there has been a lot of high profile gun accidents in our country and with better background checks we can stop future attacks from happening. For example, the attack in Las Vegas, Nevada. So many questions can be asked in this instance. How did this man attain so many firearms? Who sold them to him? What psychologically went wrong for him to do this? Was he fit to even have a gun? As you can see tons of questions can be asked, but these questions could’ve been prevented if he was given a proper background check. Do you believe that there needs to be a change to our background checks or even our second amendment as a whole?

How one state created a model gun background check system - NBC News

Monday, November 6, 2017

China's leader proposed the question to share global leadership with United States

The most Powerful leader in china Mr.Xi Jinping  wants to share global leadership with the United States. In the previous administration Obama has declined the offer from china, due to the reason that they worried that it implies that; an American retreat in Asia has to happen. Mr. Xi who is seen as thee most powerful leader in china in decades  may find it easy that Trump will be easy to sway into this idea of sharing global leadership. even though Trump has countless stated that China is a unfair trading rival, and has also stated he will stop trade with China and everything will be American Made.As Trump  travels to China  to meet with Mr.Xi  about how they will handle North Korea's Nuclear standoff. The question of do you want to join forces will come up. How would Trump react, answer this question? will trump tell china about there trading relationship will be tighter  due to the reason that the Trump administration feels that china is exploiting America for there openness. This bring so concern to America because it raises questions What will china be able to control ? What power will they hold in our politics? What will happen to our military? Will our wealth be shared ? How will it effect you ?

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Muslim Americans Again Brace for Backlash After New York Attack

Umer Ahmad, a 43-year-old Muslim-American physician from New Jersey, was in his Trenton office when he heard that a rented pickup truck had deliberately driven down a bike path in Lower Manhattan, killing eight people and injuring about a dozen more.

Saipov hopped out of the truck and shouted "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great," before firing a BB or pellet gun, four senior law enforcement sources said. Law enforcement sources said he left a note in the truck claiming he committed the attack for the Islamic State terrorist group.

"From our perspective as Muslim Americans, we are just incredibly heartbroken," Nasher added. "And just thinking about the senseless blood that was spilled and thinking about the families who are now in mourning, it's difficult to even talk." Ahmad, the physician, said he worried about backlash every time an attack like Tuesday's happens. But "I feel I'm more worried about what the response from political leadership would be." he said. 
I for one do not think blaming an entire group of people is the answer or appropriate response to tragedies such this one. A lot of people have this idea that most Muslims think the same way these terrorists think but in reality, it is really just a small percentage. Sure it could be hard to know if a Muslim American is a secret member of Isis, but it is not a reasonable justification for making assumptions about another person's belief. But is there an actual solution to stopping attacks involving Isis members from happening?

Texas Church Shooting

     Over 20 people were killed on Sunday after a gunman walked into First Baptist Church of Sutherland springs and opened fire. CNN was told that police chased the man, and he was killed. His cause of death is unknown at the moment. Residents of Sutherland Springs were surprised that something so horrible would happen in their area. “In a phone interview on Sunday afternoon, he described Sutherland Springs as “a one-blinking-light town.”
“There is a gas station and a post office,” he said. “That’s about all there really is.”” Said Joseph Silva. 
It’s sad that innocent people’s lives have to be taken so frequently. 

How do you think the media will depict the shooter depending on his characteristics? (Male/Female, Black/White etc).