Mexico’s Housing Debacle
In mexico their are a lot of slum house and nothing has been done to change their living environment. These are people that work just as hard as us and should be living in a area that is up to date neighborhoods not a wreck and destroyed environment. The government was working with private developers to help developer a better place for Mexicans like what reporter Richard Marosi states new "Global investors — the World Bank, big foundations, Wall Street firms — poured billions of dollars into the effort." This would be great progress for us to help change a person's future with the way they live but we have to think about the aftermath of this of how people will live after this. I think that we can't because of the problems that we are facing even if that something is needed to change with the amount of money being use so why did the government put such a misleading idea in people head that they will help them. This is a major issue because how would you feel if you had to live in a place like this and you had to live in conditions like this "Homeowners toting buckets scrounge for water delivered by trucks. Gutters run with raw sewage from burst pipes. Streets sink, sidewalks crumble, and broken-down water treatment plants rust. In some developments, blackouts hit for days at a time."(R.Moarosi) Do you think that the government will play a big role in this situation with the devastation Mexicans are going through or will they give false hope ?
This is the site: