Sunday, November 26, 2017

Gun Ownership Requirements Require Change 

     How people receive guns has been a problem that the US constantly overlooks everyday. People that acquire these guns require to go through a background check to make sure that these people are mentally sound to have a gun in their possession. It seems as though these checks either aren’t being given or these checks are not asking the right questions. The state of Pennsylvania believed this to be true as they recently decided to change their laws and procedures on these background checks. The Pennsylvania Instant Checks Systems (PICS) is one of if not the best checking system in the country and the country believes it needs to be the model for how to obtain guns. Obtaining a firearm isn’t something that just anybody should be able to do and they carry out that belief very well. They do such a good job that the government provides 2 million dollars in federal money to the program.
    I believe that this system holds the key to future gun laws in America. PICS believes that not just anyone should be able to obtain a gun and I believe this is the right type of system. Recently there has been a lot of high profile gun accidents in our country and with better background checks we can stop future attacks from happening. For example, the attack in Las Vegas, Nevada. So many questions can be asked in this instance. How did this man attain so many firearms? Who sold them to him? What psychologically went wrong for him to do this? Was he fit to even have a gun? As you can see tons of questions can be asked, but these questions could’ve been prevented if he was given a proper background check. Do you believe that there needs to be a change to our background checks or even our second amendment as a whole?

How one state created a model gun background check system - NBC News


  1. I believe that all states should have a direct Checking system because the way I see it; it is not the best system due to the reasons that massive gun shootings has increased. I feel it is also time for the federal to lay down the Law on the states to tighten up on the gun laws and checks. General speaking The man you are talking about and people get guns from Gun dealers I personally feel that it could not be prevented because peoples intentions change all the time. You can't really say if a person is fit to own a gun because it will fall under discrimination which changes the whole situation.

    1. I️ agree with your last point saying that people’s motives do change with time and what they may not have thought about doing with the gun before may happen. This is why I️ say our 2nd amendment has to be revised to where if you are not on a governmental force such as police and military, you should not be able to own a gun.

  2. Due to the fact that basically anybody can own a firearm, I agree with the fact and idea of there being a full background check on an individual about to purchase a firearm. I agree with this because people that are diagnosed with a mental disorder after a mass shooting or misuse of a firearm is very common in our present day. On the flip side, most mass shooters that are categorized as an individual that's mentally ill aren't actually mentally ill at all, Caucasians just need an excuse for issues such as these because it would make the white race look not so supreme to other races. In conclusion, the fewest of mass shootings yet to occur would be prevented if a sound background check was present but most mass shootings wouldn't be avoided just because most mass shooters are falsely accused if being mentally ill anyway.

    1. I️ agree with this and if the background checks were more thorough then people wouldn’t be able to lie and use the excuse of being mentally ill. If you get dismissed as being normal and you commit a crime you can be held accountable for it

  3. I do believe that there needs to be a change. Over the years, we've lost precious men, women, and even children due to guns and there needs to be a change. So many lives were lost due to the irresponsibility of gun control. Terrorists attacks like Paris and other attacks like Las Vegas could have been avoided if there were tighter laws on guns and more background checks on who the guns were given to and what type of person they are based on mental issues. I do think there should be more background checks but they cant take away the second amendment. It is a U.S right and there are some people who use guns for safety, and not for illegal acts.

  4. I think that America does have a problem with gun control that it just ignores. As we have seen through out the recent years and the incident in Las Vegas where people have managed to get their hands on highly dangerous weapons with little effort. I personally think that the mental health checks have to be more rigorous because anyone can fake that they're mentally table but actually aren't. If Pennsylvania has managed to create a better background check then the rest of the country should also try and follow in their footsteps. For things like mass shootings being done by high schoolers and businessmen to happen shouldn't even be possible.
