Sunday, November 26, 2017

President Trump and his Chosen colleagues

In recent news President Trump has shown support for Roy S. Moore, who is running for seat in the Senate. This is something Trump have been doing strong even knowing Mr. Moore is in a sexually harassment scandal. Many woman came front and still are coming forward on how Mr. Moore harassed them and is a sexually predator. Trump does support Mr. Moore talking on how he has a voice as well and if he denies it, it counts for something. As Trump supports him more and more further evidence came out that shows Mr. Moore true intent.  Access Hollywood has a tape that shows Mr. Moore as gloating about grabbing a women's genitalia and it was proven to be true. Question, what does this say about President Trump and what does it have to do with the government ? In my opinion I believe this can effect the government a lot. With a man who heavily seems to enjoy touching women with or without permission in a position of power like the Senate what other people may follow cause of him. Along side having the President what other people like Mr. Moore may get into power due to connections with men like so. In conclusion I believe Mr. Moore shouldn't get and position in the Senate and President Trump shouldn't be supporting a man like this. Trump as president has a connection his the Senate and could sway some of the people which in this case wouldn't be good?


  1. This says a lot about trump because he socializes and agree's with people that shares his ideals and disgusting views. Trump even making it so that he was someone he supported after the allegations made it worse. Trump is just like him grabbing women's genatalia in a way that is harassment in the workplace or anywhere else which changes views on the people no matter who they are or how high of a status they have it will be associated with their name for the rest if their "legacy"

    1. Me personal I Feel that Trump makes these statements to see if he can get away with it if you look into the news lately I see and hear a lot of women speaking up about these things that these political officials are doing behind the scenes I feel stuff like this is a thrill rush to these politicians because I feel that are going to keep going until they get caught which to me is that they risk their reputation for what? If the statements that trump made about touching women where he has no right to be touching why has no one came out and said anything. I also feel that Trump has influenced people with the statement he has made to have this type of behavior and to back that up look at the news and see what is happening to these elected officials.

    2. Naseer- I agree with your point of views on how Trump wants to keep certain people around with his point of views. He isn't the greatest person with the greatest motives and a lot of what he likes he want to keep around. I do have some questions for you know thou. How do you feel this would impact him and his presidency? How do you feel his supporters are going to feel after learning about this as well?

  2. Well answering the question you asked, I personally feel as if the media is trying their best to make Trump look bad as an unfit president for America. I feel this way because ever since he got in office all I hear and notice are complaints from the same people who voted for him, etc. In addition, I also feel as if crooked politicians and their immoral acts are starting to be noticed and released to the public as an issue,but then again it's distracting us from the real issues of America like systemic racism or economical issues. This made me think about, who was in charge of this news because it's sort of only exposing one dirty politician when there are plenty of other politicians who do the same?
