Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hillary Acknowledges White Privilege

While speaking to a black congregation Hillary stated how as a white grandparent with white grand kids they would not have to experience the same fear of a Black family."I am a grandmother and like every grandmother, I worry about the safety and security of my grandchildren. But my worries are not the same as black grandmothers, who have different and deeper fears about the world that their grandchildren face," Clinton said. With the existence of this "white privilege" Hillary acknowledges the difference in the way of life in America between Black people and White people. She sheds light on the fact that a Black Grandmother may have to care for her kin's safety in a different way than her white counterpart. While reading this article it kind of sheds light on the fact that there are people that are White who know there is a thing such as " White Privilege". 


  1. I feel that it was big of Hillary to come out and speak the obvious.Many white people don't understand how it is to be a African American in America. Does this make you look at hillary Clinton different? Does this statement make you comfortable with her being president now?

  2. I feel that it was big of Hillary to come out and speak the obvious.Many white people don't understand how it is to be a African American in America. Does this make you look at hillary Clinton different? Does this statement make you comfortable with her being president now?

  3. There are a lot of white people in America that are aware of white privilege, but that fact that most of them don't act on it is where we should hold them accountable. In Hillary's case she says that she will do all that's possible to stop it, but do you think she will be successful? eliminating white privilege is a very big job and I don't think one man can do it on their own.

  4. It is a real factor in society. We judge many things that society deems different. This is Clinton using that knowledge of societal difference and making her look good.

    1. Yea I agree it is sort of a strategy to get people of that demographic on her side. By recognizing the struggle in the United States she is able to connect with them more.

  5. I definitely do believe this was great for her to say and would allow others to realize the difference in our society. At the same time, this was a power move on her part towards the election. Time has passed and it was somewhat unclear which candidate actually cared or would appeal more to African American race. Trump has came out with many statements that could lead us to believe he would NOT in any way help better our situations now. Hearing this from Clinton doesn't necessarily make her all for bettering our living ways, but shows she understands. The only question is will she do anything, if elected, to stop it.

  6. I feel as if Hilary only pointed White Privilege out to appeal more to blacks. The most logical reason for her to bring the topic up is to gain more popularity in the black communities so she could increase her popularity ratings
