Friday, April 14, 2017


This article talks about the bombing of Afghan on Thursday. It was interesting because it spoke about how the strike was aimed to hit mountains and destroy caves that were being used for improving intensive explosive devices. With this airstrike came a death of nearly 70 militants. Was it worth it? One really interesting part of the article that I felt needed to be related back to class is wether or not Trump ordered this strike. In the article, it was stated that Trump is yet to say if he had part in ordering this strike. In class, we spoke about how a president isn't allowed to declare war without Congress. ( I am aware this isn't a war ) But isn't he still entitled to speak/give insight on the incident?   If he did order the strike, with reason, do you believe that his silence is leading to tension? It was odd to me how relations with Afghan have been calm and we haven't heard anything lately. Then this happens. DO you believe there was a better way to go about this?


  1. First I have a few questions, 1) the 70 militants killed were they US or Afghanistan, 2) Why is the US bombing them if we have no tension?Another thing is that even thought the President cant declare war bombing Afghanistan lnd can be seen as an act of war and this can lead to serious problems. We already bombed syria and now we bombed another middle eastern country if we continue down this road America could see its self in the center of a war in the middle east.

  2. I completely agree with you about that fact that it is a very confusing situation. I understand that trump didnt mention that he was apart of the planning and execution of this attack but, if he didnt have anything to do with the and congress did it all by themselves, is that costitutional? Can congress make an attack like this one without consulting with the president?

  3. I believe that America is a very imperialistic country. Sometimes we publicize war for our efforts and sometimes we don't. The president has the privilege of not leaking that type of information to the public and to use it at his disposal. We have had tensions with Afganistan for many years, for use of terrorism and Al queda. Some may say we used the war to get resources like oil to help our economy. As America we need to have reasons to join war efforts, like the US Lithuania or Vietnam war to show patriotism when it really is about protecting our interest and exploiting resources. Remember this when oil prices strike up again for the us or when Afganistan is our new enemy.

  4. I cant believe that the our president haven't said anything about the incident because it was something that rumbled the whole world and took other countries by surprise. The best way they could have dealt with it was by going in and solving with diplomacy not death because they will not forgive it and if they make alliances with others to oppose us it wont be good.

  5. Hello Justin, I would think that he is silent because if he was the one that sent out those missiles, he realized that he made a mistake and he's probably trying to fix it or figure out a way to lie about what he did. If the world goes down it would be his fault.

  6. Honestly I feel as though this bombing was unnecessary. That is probably why the president is silent on this one. He has realized his mistake and the unnecessary attack on people being attacked. To go along with what Bello said we didn't really have any issues over there so for us to put our hands in issues over there it could create more tension. With more tension may come war and if Trump starts a war then there will just be more unnecessary violence to blame on him.

    1. I agree with Isaiah it wasnt needed we did not need to invoke ourselves in that situation or the matter. I never saw his silence as a moment of realization that his job is not something to play around with

  7. Of course the president elect has once again taken a course of action (despite the better judgement of his country) that is immature which had disastrous affects and proved how much of a bigot and a horrible president he truly is. The bombing was completely unnecessary and did not solve any problems. in my opinion and as i stated before he best way for america to help at this point is to remove itself from the equation and stop trying to interfere in situations that they have no business in.

  8. I agree with Yennik. I feel like this was greatly unnecessary an is only working towards building even higher tensions. The only way to really help at this point is to stop trying to help and let things simmer on their own. I feel like America is always inserting themselves into other nations business and because of that we, as a nation, have a lot of issues with terrorism.

  9. I think that bombing this country is a bad idea. Not every issue we come across nationally has to be solved using violence. Even though this isn't declaring war actions like this don't get taken lightly. May it be Congress making the decision or Trump they should expect retaliation. Our safety should be our government's main priority. Bombing everything in sight doesn't help that.
