Monday, April 3, 2017

Trump’s U.N. ambassador emerges as fierce but unnuanced voice on foreign policy

Nikki Haley a former South Carolina governor that was given the position of UN ambassador is being the prime example of why we need more experienced people in office. She has no experience with foreign policy so basically she's leading the countries foreign affairs just with her own opinion. Also she spoke on the whole Russia situation and said that the United States isn't interested in lifting any sanctions off of Russia. I find this really strange because 45 has continued in many ways defending the Russians time after time. This shows how chaotic  things are in his administration because the people around him are having a whole different view on the alliances he choose with certain countries. In the article she says this “Everyone at the United Nations is scared to talk to me” about the new U.S. administration’s strong objection to that measure, she told AIPAC. “I want them to know that, look, that happened, but it will never happen again,” she said. “We’re not gong to put up with it.”In this quote you can tell that she is out spoken. Should we make more qualifications for these big positions ? Should we try and train these people who aren't qualified?


  1. Hello Mr Crandell, I would like to agree with you in saying that yes, we should make more qulifications. With the recent events of Donald Trump becoming president and the information that was giving to me just now, we should step our game up with who are picking to be in these postions. To go off what you were saying about people not being on the same page as Trump, in my opinion, they might need to adjust to the new president or maybe they are not seeing eye to eye. But at the end of the day 2017 is the year where the government went bad.

    1. "2017"😭 okay
      I would like to agree with the fact that we should raise qualifications . There should at least be some connections between a persons education or previous position to their new position. WE HAVE A NEUROSURGEON AS THE HEAD OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING. Why does that make any sense to anyone. At all. Now with a person with no foreign policy experience we are setting ourselves up for failure. The fact that she spoke against Trump isn't good either. If he put her there I hope it was for a reason. But if she's talking against him like this it maybe have been a random appointment which is horrible. At this point I think all we can do is sit back and watch it all crumble.

    2. I strongly agree with you Isaiah.I wasnt expecting her to go against trump and what he believes. I find this scary because this shows how bad the government is at this point.I definetly feel that we shold raise the qualifications for these positions that means alot in america.

    3. My question for you ezekiel is do you think that the government only went bad in 2017.I feel that the government has been bad for a minute. Donald Trump becoming president was a wake up call for the American people. They are realizing that there votes count and how messed up the system actually is. For example the kalief browder story has brought lots of awareness to raising the age limit. Before this case nobody really pushed for it to be changed.

  2. A lot of unqualified people are getting these jobs in fields they were never in. For example, Ben Carson a medical surgeon as head of housing and urban development. It doesn't add up. I think that there are people who actually want these positions, but may not have the credentials or may not even be known. There should be training for these jobs and also, they should be put to test to see what they actually know. We cant put random people in these positions because we depend on them to make big decisions that can effect our lives.

  3. I believe that she is very unqualified just as many others are, these jobs are made to basically run the countries i dont believe that someone who dont know anything about certain areas shouldn't be in those positions for example betsy devos she doesn't know anything about public education but she is who 45 picked. I also believe that they should have people who are experienced in their fields for example someone who studied to be a doctor their whole life will not be a good fit for foreign affairs or educations

  4. after reading this article i just fund it funny again how there are more people being put in charged of jobs they have no idea on how to properly manage. its like this is the year we stop to care about the jobs that make our country important. we have people with zero to none experience with full control when did our country turn into a joke? and is there someone or something that can save us from our selves and just keep us from failing as a country? and to answer your question YES! i strongly believe we should make it so that these people who are labeled head of a department should most definitely should know what they are doing.

  5. Being a UN ambassador is an important job and there should be requirements but what should those requirements be. Just because she has no experience in foreign affairs doesn't mean she cant do well at that position. For me I think the requirements should be who has the best people skills and who can work well with others.

  6. Since trump has taken his current position, there are a lot of unqualified people in certain positions. I find it funny how people are choosing to complain about the people he is appointing, yet this is the person they voted for. It should be expected that those you vote into office will appoint those that share similar views. As far as qualifications It is an iffy topic. Ben Carson is very qualified, just not for his position. There should be rules implemented that the appointee should have experience in that specific position.
