Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Future Of The U.S

         While i was searching the web for articles there is 4 that stood out to me and i had to write about them. It all started with the bombing in Syria which made a lot of noise throughout the internet it was something that the U.s  had no business interfering with. Especially with the way that they did it, more than a dozen bombs killing mothers, fathers and children they are no better than Isis. In result to these bombings many of the super powers may believe that they are being threaten. This is where my second article comes into play. Korea is started to test their bombs again even though they have been told that they cannot because global threats. They have increased their testing in the past few days. This is obviously a result to Trumps attack on Syria.One last piece of information is that the US Navy aircraft has reverse its course and has started heading back to KoreanAll of these military advances seem to be a threat to the "peace" we have in the world. If Trump feels that the attack was justified i believe he should step up and say it because this silence is creating a environment of distress throughout the United States. My question to you, the reader, is do you feel that trumps attack was the start of this and if it continues can it escalate to something worse 1 Article 2 Article 3   Article 4


  1. I do believe that it maybe the start of some type of world wide issues. One thing I can say is that Korea has been testing and launching missiles before the launch of Trump's missiles. Korea is ready , as I'm sure more other countries are, for Trump to flex his power on their turf. This can escalate to something worse because if nations are as equipped/ready as Korea, all it takes is one wrong step from our Almighty USA and we could be at war.

    1. I agree with Justin in saying that it may be the start of some global issues. Just like he said tho Korea has been doing this for a while already so the bomb testing could be unrelated or they could be a response to Trump's movements. Now to respond to your question I don't think it was justified to bomb Syria. It makes no sense that we bombed Syria to show Syria they shouldn't bomb the people in Syria. That makes absolutely no sense to me and it is just another example of why the US shouldn't always put their nose in other countries affairs.

    2. Yes you are right that they have been testing missiles but trumps recent bombing has put the world in high alert and they have increased their testing

  2. I believe that it is the presidents fault, however ( hopefully) I do not think there will be any nuclear warfare happening in a very long time. Yes the president has put the US military in a bad predicament to involve us in a war, but America is still thrbbig bully no one wants to mess with. While it is bad and sinful that we dropped bombs on Syria I don't think any major repercussions will be made. We had tensions with North Korea before and nothing happened. And when Obama bombed Syria nothing happened to us as well. Even though morally it's shameful what we did we can afford to do it because we are America. If I am wrong and we get nuked......... see you in the other side.

  3. I believe that it is the presidents fault, however ( hopefully) I do not think there will be any nuclear warfare happening in a very long time. Yes the president has put the US military in a bad predicament to involve us in a war, but America is still thrbbig bully no one wants to mess with. While it is bad and sinful that we dropped bombs on Syria I don't think any major repercussions will be made. We had tensions with North Korea before and nothing happened. And when Obama bombed Syria nothing happened to us as well. Even though morally it's shameful what we did we can afford to do it because we are America. If I am wrong and we get nuked......... see you in the other side.

  4. I feel like Korea deciding to up there bomb testing is because of Trump. If he would have minded his own business in the middle east we would never be in this situation. First he bombs Syria and his justification behind it was that they were trying to destroy Syrian Chemical weapons which ended up not so good. Then he bombs Afghanistan. This is now 3 countries who dont have America on there good side and as a result I feel like we are on the door steps of World War III

  5. This kind of touches on what I was starting to say in my presentation on the department of defense. As time goes on technological advances in the military will only continue to go up exponentially. This calls for everyone to keep their production up so they dont get swept under the curtain and left behind. I feel like Korea is only doing what they have to do to stay relevant.

    1. yes you are right that. Korea is doing what they have to do but it also is making it seem like we are able to press the button any time and deploy the bombs

  6. It is without a doubt that the president's actions are a direct cause to this hostile behavior. 59 missiles in my book is considered overkill. Launching that many middles would have anyone on edge. Trump feels that he can do what he wants and not face the repercussions. I was even watching an interview where he had said that he bombed Iran instead of Syria. Yet he remembered the "beautiful piece of chocolate cake" he had that night. Because our president acts like that, we can expect these types of hostile behaviors to develop. Also, countries lik Korea already don't like us. We have bases in all these other countries and we do not leave them alone. In my eyes, they are just waiting for trump to make the wrong move so they can annihilate us.
