Thursday, April 6, 2017

 C Week -Trump administration concedes border wall       won't be from 'sea to shining sea

This article is about President Trump and the wall that he would like to build. After reading this article I learnerd that it will cost billions of dollars to make this "wall" that Trump wants. But the only reason why thi is such a big deal, is because he is stressing the fact that he wants the wall. This "wall" has actually been there for a while. "Both under George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the U.S. has built many miles of additional fencing along the border that has significantly reduced crossings." This was stated in the article and many of us didn't know that the "wall" went back to Bush and then came to Obama. The only reason why it wasnt such a big deal was because it wasnt has heavily advertised as Trump is doning it now. Since Bush and Obama, the fencing and the sirvalience that they put up had brought the number of illegal immagrants down by a lot. So there should be no reason why he would want to invest more money into a "wall" that already exist. This will just put us in dept because he expects Mexico to reinburst them back, which will never happen.


  1. I agree with you that they do not need to invest more money into a wall but at the same time this information you provided about Bush & Obama actually helps his case because if a some funds to build a wall helped imagine if they build the great wall he speaks of. It will virtually go down 80%. It is not clear who's side you are on .

    1. I am on the side that doesn't need to put up the wall. Because there is no need for there to be a wall anymore. I am on he democratic side

  2. I can see your point on the wall being around for the last two presidencies. That's actually interesting and news to me. One thing that is probably the biggest difference is what they wanted to come out of it. As you said, the numbers of illegal immigrants were brought down. Trump is trying to send people back and prevent ANY type of immigration. Also, with the muslim ban, it begins to target specific races, cultures or religions and becomes more personal than just a " wall ". This is where I believe the difference lies.

    1. I totally agree with you. Glad I can give you some information

  3. What is the wall really preventing at this point. So far the united States has tried to implement travel bans and more rigorous testing for visiting foreigners. The wall Trumo is trying to build is just an idiotic scheme he came up with to generate attention during the election and he would have honestly just have forgotten about it if people did.not harp him on his promise of controlling immigration. At this point Trump's promise of protecting the country from its enemies is a result of his actions against the middle East.

    1. I am confused. If it was just for the attention then why is is still popping up in news articles and I wouldn't have wrote about it. Although you might be right. He is taking steps and trying to push the making of the "wall"

  4. To agree with Justin's point I believe that Trump wants to discriminate against a specific race. ( it's so true when I put trump and discrimination my keyboard put muslim.) Trump wants to villify immigrants that are Hispanic and Muslim, which is weird because anyone can be Muslim because it is a religion. May the wall still exist Yes, but he still wants to create a platform of discrimination against people he doesn't see fit. This may remind you of Nixon and his war on drugs policy. Not just implementing policy, but policy so discriminate and hold back certain people.

    1. Thank you Charles for the feedback. And I agree with the Muslim religion point you made

  5. Trump does not see that because he is stressing immigration as a major problem, he is causing more problems than solving them. It never clicked in my head that the past two president have already taken actions to improve border security and surveillance. The problem is, because immigrating into America is a long and hard process, most try and get around the system however they can. Most of us come from immigrant families. They are put through several trials just to get a green card(which is not citizenship). When I talked to sharif, he was telling me about how hard the test is that they give him. And most of the questions are information that most Americans don't even know. It is because our system is like this, we cannot move forward with immigration. America is supposed to be the land of opportunities, but apparently that only applies to those of a certain skin complexion.

    1. Hmmm. It was nice that you went for information out side the internet. And to go off of what your saying, although we might be citizens at heart we aren't really citizens beaches we don't get treated like everyday Americans. We will always be bad in the eyes of America
