Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trump the Advocate?!?

    Just hours before President Trump’s State of the Union address, Trump would go on to say that he wants a more unified country. He said that the country has basically been going through a big divide. He feels as though this schism has been brewing since even before President Obama but says that it dates to President Clinton’s impeachment. This is huge talk coming from our president right before his address. He gives an example saying that one problem causing this is health care. Some people want free aid, while others want private aid, basically wanting to pay for it.

      This is actually pretty huge and a valiant step up for our president. The issue is that this seems as an attempt at selling the country a dream. He could be saying this as an image thing or publicity stunt. There may never be a true way to unify the country. What are Trump’s true motives behind saying all the things that he is saying? Why is he selling the country false hope? There may be something fishy going on and we will see all that he has to say later on in his address.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Would Trump stay on task for the up coming State of the union Speech?

       As Trumps first  State of the Union speech is approaching there are many worries that he will go off task. Due to his first year as president which he broke majority of the rules as president which consist of presidential communications and policymaking. If Trump sticks to what he is saying he is expected to ask congress for  about 1 trillion dollars to rebuild roads and highways, airports and sewers. Do you think that is a good why to spend 1 trillion dollars on? Although These things are needed but I personally think spending 1 trillion dollars on highways, freeways, airports and sewers are a waste of money because that is minor compared to other things that need 1 trillion dollars to be spent on.Also During his speech he is going to talk about his plan  about the immigration system while he grants 1.8 million people citizenship.  Does this means that Trump and the Republican Party came to a firm agreement on Immigration? Do you think  Trump will do more harm than good after hearing his expected actions? The state of the Union speech is  a good step for Trump to right his wrongs he follows the traditional way of these speeches. As his first year as presidents proved that you can expect the unexpected from Trump while he is on TV, therefore it seems that trump already is being expected to say something outrageous which will cause more problems in the country. Overall this Speech is a make it or break it for Trumps presidency, would Trump be able to stay on task ?


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Is The Media After President Trump?

   In January there was so called incident that involves President Trump and an adult actress Stephanie Clifford. CNN media told that Trump had a sexual relationship with her probably before the 2016 Election. It also stated that there was hush money involved when 130k sent to Sephine Clifford to keep quiet from Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen. After reading this article, it would probably bring a crazy change of heart for some voters to run for president after hearing about what he has done if it was real it also said he could have done it before he was married to his first lady Melania Trump.  However, these ideas were rumors, and it brings up the sense that what if this was true would he would have won the election? Stephanie confirmed this story in a statement she gave "When I met Donald Trump, he was gracious, professional and a complete gentleman to me and EVERYONE in my presence. Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false. If indeed I did have a relationship with Donald Trump, trust me, you wouldn't be reading about in the news, you would be reading about it in my book. But the fact of the matter is, these stories are not true". So why would the media have a story like this with so little evidence and everybody is denying it and giving no leads to anything. Do you think that the real backstory for putting this up was to expose Donald Trump or as a warning that they'll watch his every move? To me is how so many people are watching you when your in a high place of power and anything mistake you think people don't know they'are always watching waiting for you to slip up like in crucial moments like the 2016 Election.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Is Someone Finally Censoring Trump?!?

       On Jan.17, 2018 Donald Trump did what he does best and tweeted. This tweet just so happened to be what he called, “The Fake News Awards”. It was here where he would speak on all of the individuals who felt the need to share their opinions on what was going on in the community on social media. One person who I know he spoke on was the rap artist Mad Skillz who made a rap song named the “2017 Rap up” where he rapped about all that happened in the year passed. Trump went out of his way to tweet Mad Skillz himself and call his song “Fake News” and “Hogwash”.
    Right after Trump posted his “Fake News Awards” tweet, someone shortly after was able to delete the post, but not before CBS News’ Christopher Brito was able to screenshot it. This is a formof improvement in my eyes as someone is finally making an effort to stop Trump’s social media rampage. If someone successfully stops Trump’s social media, maybe he will be able to focus on the important matters such as the markets going down into the ground. Trump is being less of the “Economically Sound President” everyone that voted for him thought he was, and more of the “King of Bad Tweets”. Do you believe that someone should be able to check “The most important man in the country” on what he says on social media?

Sunday, January 14, 2018

North Korea put on Terrorist List by President Trump

Recently, President Trump has put North Korea on the terrorist list. This isn't the first time they was put on the list though. They was put on the the list in 1987 after the bombing of a South Korean airline that killed 115 people. They stayed on this list until 2008 when President Bush took them off for the aid-for-disarmament deal. This deal was then revealed to be one for Pyongyang, which is a city in Korea which is actually a Democratic party. This hasn't lasted long as we though Trump has put them back due to them getting more involved with nuclear weapons. He actually spoken to China to get tighter on their neighbors, but what repercussions come with it? I believe this makes it harder to come to agreements with Korea and makes America look more like an enemy than a friend. This also may even want Korea to push the work of their nuclear weapons because they feel their enemies are coming harder after them. I believe doing this wasn't the smartest idea and even puts America in a bad place. Trump is suppose to be our representative and with him doing this makes it seem like all Americans follow his word and agree with him. Do you feel Trump was smart for doing this or do you think it was wrong? 


Monday, January 8, 2018

North & South Korea at Peace

South Korea will seek to use inter-Korean talks on Tuesday to decrease tensions on the peninsula and reunite families separated by the Korean war, Seoul has said. Comments from Cho Myung-gyon, South Korea’s unification minister, illustrate the broader possibilities of the negotiations with North Korea, which are set to focus on Pyongyang’s participation in next month’s Winter Olympic Games. “Basically, the two sides will focus on the Olympics. When discussing inter-Korean relations, the government will seek to raise the issue of war-torn families and ways to ease military tensions,” Mr Cho said on Monday. But US president Donald Trump over the weekend said he would be supportive of broader talks with Mr Kim, although did not clarify under which conditions. “I would love to see them take it beyond the Olympics,” Mr Trump said on Saturday of the prospect of talks between the neighbours, adding that the US would get involved “at the appropriate time”. Mr Trump has thrown his support behind the talks “100 per cent” following a call with South Korea’s president Moon Jae-in after warning North Korea last week about the size of the US nuclear arsenal, saying it was “a much bigger and more powerful one than his”.

So thankfully North Korea is finally showing some peace by going into talks with South Korea. Though, our own government is not being quite as peaceful as he should be since Trump keeps saying ''his is bigger''. It seems to me that North Korea only wants some peace after their leader, Kim Juh Chong Onng Glog says they now have long range missiles which is strange to me.

Link: https://www.ft.com/content/e908a36e-f419-11e7-88f7-5465a6ce1a00

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Trump's Twitter threats put American credibility on the line

Since Trump has been elected the new president of the United States Trump has used twitter as a platform to express his views and what he stands for. Recently Trump has used twitter to attack countries,  to push protesters to overthrow Iranian government,  he has threatened to blow up North Korea, and lastly he has stated that there is a need for a cut in aid to Palestinians. There is a big difference in the foreign policy message that Trump is following  is that it shifted away from how traditional United States presidents handle situations. This means that Trump has started the trend to use a more direct approach to problems by using twitter as his primary platform, also it shows how trump has a pattern of shifting away from his word as we have seen after the election. Due to this recent approach to problems has caused countries to raise questions wether they should  take his word seriously or  wether they should ignore it. which raises questions, if trumps words are just looked over how does that shape Americas credibility? How does it shape Americas  world image? and lastly  does it questions Americas trust? I think that trump does not understand that his words are not just a reflection of himself it is also a reflection of America, since America has been seen a certain way; America new approach that has been set by Trump is considered abnormal because this is not how  past America presidents  have acted. So did Trump change America for good? where as he uses social media as a platform  to talk about problems and away to connect to the people. Lastly I do think trump does put American  credibility on the line because has he states he want to cut aid to the Palestinians which America does not have a track record of pulling away world help which is an example of a lack of American credibility.
