Sunday, January 14, 2018

North Korea put on Terrorist List by President Trump

Recently, President Trump has put North Korea on the terrorist list. This isn't the first time they was put on the list though. They was put on the the list in 1987 after the bombing of a South Korean airline that killed 115 people. They stayed on this list until 2008 when President Bush took them off for the aid-for-disarmament deal. This deal was then revealed to be one for Pyongyang, which is a city in Korea which is actually a Democratic party. This hasn't lasted long as we though Trump has put them back due to them getting more involved with nuclear weapons. He actually spoken to China to get tighter on their neighbors, but what repercussions come with it? I believe this makes it harder to come to agreements with Korea and makes America look more like an enemy than a friend. This also may even want Korea to push the work of their nuclear weapons because they feel their enemies are coming harder after them. I believe doing this wasn't the smartest idea and even puts America in a bad place. Trump is suppose to be our representative and with him doing this makes it seem like all Americans follow his word and agree with him. Do you feel Trump was smart for doing this or do you think it was wrong? 


  1. I agree and disagree at the same time. I agree that putting them on the terrorist list can stir up drama and make us look bad. I also agree that it would make it hard to be on good terms with Korea. However, nuclear weapons are dangerous so putting them back on the list could serve to be good for our safety. Maybe it was necessary to put them on the list, but considering we aren’t on good terms, their work with nuclear weapons should be watched closely just in case.

  2. I do not think that America has the right to determine which country to put on the terrorist list because America is not the world judge neither is Trump so putting a country on a list due to there reason actives is wrong even though the country is making threats to America . I personally think that Trump should have done this differently because this can spark the country to actually do something.

  3. I agree and disagree at the same time. The only reson that Trump as put them on the list is because he doesn't like them. As far as I am concerned North Korea is dosn't pose a threat as long we saty out of there busniess. We are no longer worried about communist but about Terrorism. In my opinion let them be because there not hurting any one but them self.

  4. To me, I feel the repercussions would be dire. Trump acknowledges North Korea as a threat and that may put us as a country. I do also agree that it makes it harder to form peace with that country and that can lead to more conflict. I understand why this was his choice, being the fact that we have been threatened numerous times with nuclear weapons. However, it isn't smart to make enemies. The only way to have a solution is to come to an agreement and try to create peace. I do think it was wrong for him to do this.
