Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trump the Advocate?!?

    Just hours before President Trump’s State of the Union address, Trump would go on to say that he wants a more unified country. He said that the country has basically been going through a big divide. He feels as though this schism has been brewing since even before President Obama but says that it dates to President Clinton’s impeachment. This is huge talk coming from our president right before his address. He gives an example saying that one problem causing this is health care. Some people want free aid, while others want private aid, basically wanting to pay for it.

      This is actually pretty huge and a valiant step up for our president. The issue is that this seems as an attempt at selling the country a dream. He could be saying this as an image thing or publicity stunt. There may never be a true way to unify the country. What are Trump’s true motives behind saying all the things that he is saying? Why is he selling the country false hope? There may be something fishy going on and we will see all that he has to say later on in his address.


  1. I feel as if Donald Trump has a plan to benefit America, but doesn't know how to publicly approach/inform citizens of America; therefore addressing a belief that America has been and is currently becoming more divided as a Nation. By President Trump addressing the fact that America has become more divided, he now has the citizens of America's attention to state a solution to this schism. When Trump mentioned that some citizen's want private aid while others want free aid, he was hinting that the people of America need to pay for there healthcare enable to strengthen this economy. I'm not saying it's Obama's fault, for making Healthcare more affordable for the people(us), but by doing so Obama weakened America's economy by helping us, low to mid class citizens. Donald Trump's goal through his presidency is to get America up and atom by strengthening it's economy and one way to start is to basically increase the price of Healthcare. I don't understand what you mean by "selling this Country false hope" @Ameer. Trump is simply trying to strengthen our economy by making the hard decision that past Presidents couldn't make which is to sacrifice a better way of living for American Citizens to boost our Economic growth as a United Nation.

  2. I feel Trump has a plan to make change, but I don't think its really for everyone. I believe he's not being fishing, but is trying to help out the people who help him the most, the upper class citizens. When trying to play to one group but show it as playing to all groups then it starts to look fishy. I agree with you on how he's selling America a dream and not gonna live up to what he says he is. My question to you is what do you feel Trump is actually up to in his undercover plan?

    1. I have no idea what Trump may be up to but my guess is that he is trying to change the view on his image because we all know how much he loves social media.

  3. In my opinion, Trump can make change and wants to male change. Howeber, I think he is appealing to a different demographic of people. I feel he is just offering opportunities to the people that can afford it. He is looking to the people of the higher class, while ignoring those who need help the most and who arent as economically privileged as others. He is omly making things harder for those of the lower class. For example, his work for new healthcare and his advances to eradicate Obamacare is only making this harder for others.

    1. This is true and in order for his country to fully be behind him and support him he will have to make the necessary moves to help a wider demographic of people

  4. I agree with shaye in the fact that he most likely will make a change that affects only a certain people. I noticed in his speech he kept saying “Americans”. Now clearly we are American but I think he’s attracting Nationlists, people who don’t like anyone but Americans. I also think that he said the country was in a divide since Clinton’s impeachment as a way to blame it on someone else. I can see Trump dividing the country even further, but if that happens he can say it was already divided.

  5. I feel as though Trump is actually making a step n the right direction, but he is still far from making a huge stride. What he talks about though is not incorrect but it seems to only favor a certain group of people. As said before there seems to be a certain demographic he's aiming for but at the same time trying to remain neutral in order to not upset people on either side. My question is what will he do to implement these things he's talking about with health care?
