Sunday, January 7, 2018

Trump's Twitter threats put American credibility on the line

Since Trump has been elected the new president of the United States Trump has used twitter as a platform to express his views and what he stands for. Recently Trump has used twitter to attack countries,  to push protesters to overthrow Iranian government,  he has threatened to blow up North Korea, and lastly he has stated that there is a need for a cut in aid to Palestinians. There is a big difference in the foreign policy message that Trump is following  is that it shifted away from how traditional United States presidents handle situations. This means that Trump has started the trend to use a more direct approach to problems by using twitter as his primary platform, also it shows how trump has a pattern of shifting away from his word as we have seen after the election. Due to this recent approach to problems has caused countries to raise questions wether they should  take his word seriously or  wether they should ignore it. which raises questions, if trumps words are just looked over how does that shape Americas credibility? How does it shape Americas  world image? and lastly  does it questions Americas trust? I think that trump does not understand that his words are not just a reflection of himself it is also a reflection of America, since America has been seen a certain way; America new approach that has been set by Trump is considered abnormal because this is not how  past America presidents  have acted. So did Trump change America for good? where as he uses social media as a platform  to talk about problems and away to connect to the people. Lastly I do think trump does put American  credibility on the line because has he states he want to cut aid to the Palestinians which America does not have a track record of pulling away world help which is an example of a lack of American credibility.


  1. America has always been viewed as the world's freedom fighters, constantly sticking there noses in places we shouldn't be. Now when Pres Trump comments directly on certain topics or to a certain individual through Twitter, it's an embaressing action that America has to deal with as a Nation due to the fact that Donald Trump is the President of the United States. In addition, such actions taken by Donald Trump may be a cause of countries questioning America's trust because if Donald Trump dares to threaten North Korea, who's to say other Nations won't be on guard?

    1. Do you think that Trump will put Americas alliances on the line the way he is going. aI personally don't really think its bad for him to be on social media the way he is because it makes him more connected to the people I just feel what he post on social media should be censored for the sake of national security.

  2. Honestly Trump needs to have his internet priviledges revoked immediately. On a serious not shouldn’t he have a social media manager that does these posts for him and make sure he isn’t saying anything that could incriminate or be detrimental to our country? This is an issue that needs to be addressed because we can not allow Trump to say anything he wants and start a war based off of his mouth

  3. It is extremely unprofessional to tweet what you want as the president of the United States of America. As the president he represents us as a whole, so when he tweets such outlandish things, we as a whole have to take the blame. He makes us look bad and places us into negative situations. Usually people of his status tend to have social media monitors (as said above), I don’t know why he doesn’t. If his team doesn’t get him under control soon he can possibly say something that gets us into war.

    1. so do you think there should be laws put in place for government officials and federal officials for the use of social media, because that will fall into the violation of the first amendment I think that what he post should be censored and should go through people before it is posted

  4. I agree with you on saying that Trump does put America credibility on the line. Using Twitter conveys a message that being President and using social media to talk about things in the world gives a vague image about him in the office. This is a problem that congress needs to come together to discuss about President use of Twitter due to the fact that everything he do and say reflects over them and the American people. Another thing is that if using social media to talks about the world and politics as president why consider being in charge as president if you are doing childish things on media to cause tension it will be the absolutely right thing to do and to get him out of the office as president and find someone else who can make America sound great instead of worst.

  5. I agree I don't believe Trump knows his words affect America. His words can make people believe we think like him since he is our president. It might also make America look like a joke because a lot of what he says may seem like a joke. He is a man with great power now and need to live up to the responsibility that comes with it. He wants make America great again but if he is seen as a joke how will this be possible? He needs to change and if he don't I feel it will hurt America in the long run.
