Monday, December 4, 2017

Donald Trump is totally not worried about Michael Flynn's guilty plea

President Donald Trump wants you to know one thing about former national security adviser Michael Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russians during the 2016 campaign: He's not worried about it. Not at all. Zero percent. Nada. Zilch.How do we know that? Because Trump just keeps telling us.
Since Flynn's guilty plea on Friday morning, Trump has tapped out double-digit tweets making clear that Flynn's decision to cooperate with special counsel Bob Mueller's investigation has no impact on him and, oh yeah, the FBI is super corrupt and bad. Also, the Russia investigation is a hoax. And Hillary Clinton got off easy. The media is bad and dishonest too.
It all started Saturday morning with this tweet -- that Trump attorney John Dowd now claims he wrote: "I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!"The obvious problem here for Trump -- if that tweet is taken as accurate -- is that the day after he fired Flynn, he reportedly asked then FBI Director James Comey to see if he could find a way to "letting this go," meaning the bureau's investigation into Flynn. If you take Trump/Dowd's tweet literally, then Trump did so while knowing that Flynn had lied to the FBI.
The first strain of this next Trump Twitter tornado was the "Why aren't we talking about Clinton?" narrative.
"So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday 'interrogation' with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times...and nothing happens to her?" Trump tweeted. "Rigged system, or just a double standard?"He followed that one up with this: "Many people in our Country are asking what the 'Justice' Department is going to do about the fact that totally Crooked Hillary, AFTER receiving a subpoena from the United States Congress, deleted and 'acid washed' 33,000 Emails? No justice!"."Congratulations to @ABC News for suspending Brian Ross for his horrendously inaccurate and dishonest report on the Russia, Russia, Russia Witch Hunt," tweeted Trump. "More Networks and 'papers' should do the same with their Fake News!"
This fake news thing is going out of hand. Its mostly him just trying to redirect some of the blame on to some or something else. in this case he is worried because of the links that Flynn provided. He uses the Hilary situation just to deflect most of the blame and not make him self look guilty. Trying to cover his tracks and making the media less credible and saying its fake news is the best way he knows how.


  1. Finding out something like this is very disturbing and straight up wrong. This shows how Trump puts blame on other people for no reason but after that what else. This situation can show how wrong our president is when dealing with important matters like that but what else. I would like to know more about Micheal Flynn and whats going on with him. Understanding how someone in the FBI could be working with Russia to take the US down. I want to know more about how they found this out and maybe what he may have traded with Russian intelligence. That story actually has more to do with our than Trumps tweet about the situation, it actually shows his opinions and how he express his self.

  2. This story is just another example of how idiotic our President is for reacting to situations. Even assuming Donad Trump and Michael Flynn are negatively involved with Russia, Trump shouldn't take to twitter for everything. A real professional President wouldn't use social media in such the manner that Trump does. He is always complaining about how weak America has been looking, but he should be worried about how much of an idiot he's making himself look like. I'm actually concerned that one day Trump is going to open his mouth and get America in trouble with other powers.

  3. I agree with you on how News now these days is dishonest where it raises questions of who do we listen to ? where does the media gets its information from , is it reliable? these are key questions that must be answered in order to know the information that we need to know. Now on this problem with Flynn with the problems with the 2016 election which in my opinion was a false election i expected this will happen because as you can see trump had something to do with this because if he did not why would he react like this? Our nation security has been compromised, and our government has not acted accordingly. Do you think Our government and the media work together to put blinders of the eyes of its citizens?

  4. The president doesn’t know how to deal with situation with situations like this is another example of how childish he is and how he isn’t fit to even be in the oval office. On the situation with the information , this can also raise flags on if the news itself actually gives accurate information and helps to inform us or tricks us in a way tyat makes question whether to keep reading or not although it is meant to help keep us updated it may give us the wrong info at the same time. Trump on other hand isn’t helping his case and messin up his and michael flynns reputation at the same time and is not helping the situation at all.
