Monday, December 4, 2017

Net Neutrality Showdown

The internet plays a large if not significant role in our everyday lives. We use it in so many different ways, some to study for tests, talk to someone in another country, look up information, or even just to watch their favorite show online. All of these are done for free due to the free access of these platforms through the internet. Even though its been prospering for a number of years since the internet was first created there have been those who have attempted to control such freedom just for their own personal gain. Some of the people are large corporate companies seeking the large amount of revenue from such a successful source have hidden their agenda through soft words stating that by controlling the internet and making consumers pay for certain websites is a way to help keep the consumer safe and with the largest amount of freedom. Although it can be argued that this is true, it comes into question of how can you give more freedom to something that is already free. The F.C.C. and other Comcast companies have all begun to take steps in controlling the internet and changing the internet from how we know it.

Net Neutrality was created so that companies would be prevented from treating those who pay for more exclusive content being treated better than those who have not spent money on the site. For example it prevents AT&T from charging a fee to companies that want to stream high-definition videos to people. It even shelters those who are just creating websites and can't afford to pay for fast line access. Large internet giants such as Google, AT&T, Charter, Microsoft, etc. have turned the innovative and promising into into a field of large corporate giants fighting against smaller and medium sized businesses. A letter sent to the F.C.C.head Ajit Pai, the one who drafted the net neutrality repeal order, more than 200 start-ups argued this week that the order “would put small and medium-sized businesses at a disadvantage and prevent innovative new ones from even getting off the ground.” And that this would in fact have the opposite effect of wanted people to use the internet more. The internet's once flexible nature is now seemingly coming to an end. With only a few weeks left till Congress makes the decision we can still change the results. If net neutrality is ended how much will this impact the world at large and its many consumers, will there be a massive drop in users or still a steady stream? I personally believe that we are seeing the end to a once glorious source.


  1. What is the issue? How or why is government involved?

  2. I am with Net Neutrality because I feel that it shouldn't be something that we should have to pay for. The internet should remain its free access for us to do whatever we want. I think that it will lead to big impact for everyone that were being robbed of something that is free and help benefit our know our environment better or for our own discovers and paying for searching on the internet isn't gonna help us not even rising websites or companies will get noticed if were paying. I want to know what is the purpose for this is and what do they hope to gain from it?

    1. One of the main purposes for taking away net neutrality is for because the FCC is an independent agency that when their rules are in place it weighs just as much as a federal law. What they'll gain is more money for their company to grow.

  3. Information like this is very good news but what is the matter of the gov't issues. There isn't a direct contact for gov't issue, it seems for like a peoples issue but I noticed you did say something about congress. I feel you should of spoke more of how Congress plays an impact on this problem and how the gov't is going about fixing it. I feel that story would took more of a role on showing how the mind of our congress work and how that same thought process would or could effect his decisions on other big problems. A story like that would really give us some understand of the people in the gov't and how some might think or handle events or problems.

    1. This issue is related to gov't because this isn't the first time the FCC has been protested against.If the FCC had gone though with their plan government based websites like the news and educational websites would be under funded due consumers having to pay for access to those sites.

  4. While I agree that the internet and elements of the internet should remain free, I don't see a direct connection between this and the government. One connection I can think of is that companies might punish websites for having certain political views. Assuming Net Neutality is gone, companies could have the power to punish a site like twitter for taking down Donald Trump's account for example. Or maybe companies won't let certain people have access to Donald Trump's own websites or something similar in the nature. In whatever case, I don't think giving big companies any power is a good thing in the long run.

    1. Companies being able to punish consumers and other companies that want to make or use certain sites is the connection because most independent companies receive little to no resistance against the gov't because of our capitalistic economy where large companies have a large influence.

  5. This is a serious problem, however it isnt much connection to the government. There are still issues that need to be addressed. Due to the end of net neutrality, it will cause money to be charged to the activity of the internet, which is a violation of the rights of the people. This will take money away from a citizen's income. Theis however can spark disagreement and controversy to the people and will be a government discussion on what the decision will be. Thats the connection that the government has in this situation. I do believe it will affect the people in s negative way and due to the charges by the FCC, there could be a decrease in the activity in the internet. The world runs on the use of the internet, so it would be idiotic to take that away. I believe that taking away net neutrality would be wrong and a vjolation of the people's rights.
