Sunday, February 25, 2018

Opioid Deaths

Ever since the Vietnam war the drug opioid has made a huge impact on America killing most of those in its wake. Even though there has been bills to try and keep it handled these types of drugs opium seems to keep evading them. Opioid has sadly managed to kill 42,000 people per year just from overdosing, and this number only seems to be increasing as over the year 2015 to 2016 the deaths have risen by nearly 28%. A program called Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) which was used to help distort the opioid problem. But it only helped put one piece to the one piece to the problem. Legislators have also began to make another version of CARA called CARA 2.0, which would include the pieces that were taken out before. This one would be able to have $6 billion dollars which would go into helping combat opioid overdoses and mental health problems. Such products would be a reversal overdose drug which will be accessible to communities and non medical settings which would help those who may have a relative or someone they know that may have used an overdose from the opioid drug. They will also be moving the focus from having a high emphasis on law enforcement's on drugs to making a better bill that will help those who are affected by drugs. As our country has seen there has been a huge impact on the people due to drugs itself. Instead of just locking up those who do drugs to actually helping those who are need a way to combat it. Along with these drugs will there be any other way to apart of the bill that maybe able to help drug victims?

The gun control problem

On February 25th, the following events that occurred at Parkland Florida a lawmaker Rep. Ryan Costello had called for tougher rules and restrictions regarding firearm purchases,uses and users. He referred to different acts that could be implemented to put these different rules and regulations in place. The Toomey Manchin bill would invrease background checks for firearms purchases and also the fix Nics Act which would be able to improve the wuality and accuracy of background checks in the system. Costello than went and explained he would support a ban on Assault rifles. “I think therd is a group of things that everyone can agree to, and then we move into the discussion and hopefully develop a vocabulary that everyone can wrap their arms around”. Trumpa also supports this ban while also trying to get rid of devices called bump stocks which help assault rifles shoot hundreds of rounds per minutes.
In a way congress and lawmakers have an extremely big part in this matter not just the people trying to help the victims anyway they can. Congress and lawmakers have the power to make it so a bill to help can eihter get passed or stay in the house/senate until they aren’t able to agree on it or they kill it.
The bills mentioned in this article make me wonder why don’t they try it an see if it actually can help and maybe it’ll be for the better. It seems as if congress stalls for time although there is none left and this needs to happen now. Do you believe that congress could be a main factor in this situation or not?
What is something they could do in order help resolve this?

Monday, February 12, 2018

Democratic candidates reap financial benefits of anti-Trump fervor

Democratic challengers sailing a wave of displeasure with Republican leaders in Washington are collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars — sometimes in a matter of days or weeks — as anti-Trump fervor is translating into hard cash for this fall’s midterm fights.In New Hampshire, first-time congressional candidate Maura Sullivan — a former Obama administration official who served in the Marines — has raised twice as much as the leading Republican seeking a seat previously held by the GOP.And in Wisconsin, the leading Democrat trying to unseat House Speaker Paul D. Ryan raised $150,000 in two days after Ryan touted a high school secretary’s $1.50 salary increase thanks to the new tax law. Ryan eventually deleted his widely mocked tweet.The strong showings in recent campaign finance filings offer a glimmer of hope for Democrats, who face a changing political environment in their effort to regain the majority in Congress. Polls that just weeks ago showed deep frustration with Republicans and President Trump now show voters softening toward the president’s party, as they warm to the tax law and feel the effects of a strong economy.In addition, Republicans retain some financial advantages. The Republican National Committee has raised far more money than its Democratic counterpart, thanks in part to a surge in small-dollar donations sparked by Trump’s popularity with the GOP base. Some major Democratic donors, meanwhile, seem hesitant to invest in upstart, unproven “resistance” groups that might also support Democratic hopefuls.      
Ever since the democrats lost the majority seats the have been trying to find a way back into the controlling the senate. Donald Trump could be the answer that they have been looking for some time. since Trump as took office he as showed his true reasons for running for office. Not for the people but for him self. Now the american people have now seen his true color and are know changing their mind and started backing more and more democrats to oppose Trump from what he wants to accomplish. 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

President Trump playing the Victim Role

    Donald Trump has been talking about he feels about being targeted and playing the victim. It's not a sight to see but he points the finger at the Obama organization and blaming them saying that they are using all resources at their disposal to spy on him. I think that Trump should be the bigger person about it he feels this way and shouldn't use the word victim to make people feel sorry for him it's not fair. Trump is making himself a target with the things he does and how that affected others so he bring this upon himself. He needs to wake up and realized that he's the President of the United States and he needs to act like one an don't let petty things like this stop a process that could better us instead of slowing us down. He also says that not only the FBI and DOJ (Department of justice)  but the State Department is also after him and are looking through the election. Do you think that Trump is over reacting to them rumors? If so what would you do about it would you ignore them and work on other problems to over come it or would you deal with them now to get it over with?

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Trump Sees The American People Are Showing Treason

President Donald Trump feels that if an American doesn't clap for him, he considers it as treason. Last week, Trump showed annoyance when the Democratic party did not clap for him at the State of Union. He began to say "They were like death and un-American. Un-American. Somebody said, 'treasonous.' I mean, Yeah, I guess why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? I mean they certainly didn't seem to love our country that much." What surprises me in this situation is how arrogant and clueless this man can be. First, the official term of treason is to overthrow the government of the state that one shows allegiance or to kill or injure someone whom you have allied with. No one in this situation harmed him physically but it seems they have harmed his pride and dignity. And no one had made an attempt to overthrow the government that he resides himself in. Second, I find it disgusting that he could be so arrogant to think that everyone must have him in their favor and like him, even after everything he has said and done in the past year of his presidency. Even though the situations are completely different, I find many similarities between this and Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to kneel to the national anthem.  I find a link where people don’t align themselves with they don’t trust. I feel the democratic party wasn’t wrong in this situation and has the right to clap for who they want. What are your initial thoughts on this topic? Do you think Americans, both democratic and republican, have an obligation to clap at an event like that, or do you feel anyone has the right to clap for who they want?

Monday, February 5, 2018

Isis Fighters Flee to Syria On Instinct                    By: Kyzelle Jones

   Many Islamic State foreign fighters and they're families have left Syria, escaping the "American-led Campaign"(U.S forces sent by ex-President Obama during his second term to deal with offensives in Iraq). Using escape routes such as Syrian army lines to then hide in Damascus, who are now waiting for orders from insurgent leaders through channels that are encrypted. In addition to that, it has been discovered that battle ready individuals trained in chemical warfare have abandoned their Country just to join an Al Qaeda division located in Syria. A vice chairman, General Paul J. Selva, soon states that "Jihadist's are going underground, dispersing to other safe havens, including on the internet, and returning to their home countries". Jihadist's should not have the ability to just disperse and disappear when necessary. Some form of pressing Militant defense must be put in place enable to force a lock down, to stop any Jihadist or individuals from fleeing using any method.
   The concern is, since America are the World's "Freedom Fighters" is Donald Trump going to put a campaign into affect to stop this from happening? If he does, how would America respond towards this decision passed by the Congress originating from Donald Trump? Being that something needs to be put in place, does this trace back to Obama's decision in 2014 of putting the American-led Campaign?

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Trump does care? MS13 gang members kill Long Island Teens

In 2016 two teens, Kayla Cuevas 15 years old and Nisa Mickens 15 years old, were beaten and murdered by MS13 gang members in Long Island. Not long after the incident Trump went to Long Island to speak on gang violence in the area. The parents of Nisa talked to Trump on the situation and she said he told her " we'll speak soon". Soon turned out to be the week of his State of Union address as both the parents of Kayla and Nisa came out to Washington D.C to hear the speech.  Trump brought up what happened and how people feel for their pain. Trump actually stated "Everyone in America is grieving for you," Trump said during the Tuesday speech. “…I want you to know that 320 million hearts are right now breaking for you. We love you. Thank you.” After the speech the mother of Nisa explained to reporters about a positive conversation with Trump. She explained how when talking to him you saw and felt not only in his words but how he was saying it that he truly cared and felt sincere for them. As a man who doesn't really show this much it's actually surprising to see this as it shows more for who Trump might actually be. This also lead me to think that what Trump is doing as president isn't because he doesn't know what he's doing, but it might be because he's doing it straight from the heart. Trump might be wanting to make America great again in a way his actions don't show the right way, but his feeling my prove other wise. If so then I start to think maybe Trump getting elected might be because he's passionate in a different way and maybe he's trying to bring passionate people with him? What do think is Trump a passionate person with feeling or is he just acting to try to persuade people to believe he is what America needs?

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Russia on US nuclear weapons

     As US nuclear weapons grow, Russia expresses their complete disapproval on the use of them. The US was primarily using the weapons as a way to keep Russia from using theirs. However, the weapons are becoming too big to use without catastrophe, and are no longer effective deterrents. Russia claims that they will take “necessary measures to ensure Russian security.” This is Russia’s view. The US views their actions as a way of showing that the use of nuclear weapons overall is unacceptable. They believe that doing this will “repurpose existing warheads”. 
The US isn’t the only one with nuclear weapons. France, UK, Israel, Pakistan, China, India, Russia, and North Korea all have nuclear weapons as well. Seeing as the US is increasing the number, effectiveness, or size of their weapons, do you think other countries will start to do the same just to keep their defenses up? If so, will it become another arms race, or will the strategy work and make everyone stop the development of nuclear weapons?