Monday, February 12, 2018

Democratic candidates reap financial benefits of anti-Trump fervor

Democratic challengers sailing a wave of displeasure with Republican leaders in Washington are collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars — sometimes in a matter of days or weeks — as anti-Trump fervor is translating into hard cash for this fall’s midterm fights.In New Hampshire, first-time congressional candidate Maura Sullivan — a former Obama administration official who served in the Marines — has raised twice as much as the leading Republican seeking a seat previously held by the GOP.And in Wisconsin, the leading Democrat trying to unseat House Speaker Paul D. Ryan raised $150,000 in two days after Ryan touted a high school secretary’s $1.50 salary increase thanks to the new tax law. Ryan eventually deleted his widely mocked tweet.The strong showings in recent campaign finance filings offer a glimmer of hope for Democrats, who face a changing political environment in their effort to regain the majority in Congress. Polls that just weeks ago showed deep frustration with Republicans and President Trump now show voters softening toward the president’s party, as they warm to the tax law and feel the effects of a strong economy.In addition, Republicans retain some financial advantages. The Republican National Committee has raised far more money than its Democratic counterpart, thanks in part to a surge in small-dollar donations sparked by Trump’s popularity with the GOP base. Some major Democratic donors, meanwhile, seem hesitant to invest in upstart, unproven “resistance” groups that might also support Democratic hopefuls.      
Ever since the democrats lost the majority seats the have been trying to find a way back into the controlling the senate. Donald Trump could be the answer that they have been looking for some time. since Trump as took office he as showed his true reasons for running for office. Not for the people but for him self. Now the american people have now seen his true color and are know changing their mind and started backing more and more democrats to oppose Trump from what he wants to accomplish. 


  1. It is interesting that Republicans have financial advantages. What is Donald’s personal reason for being in office? I think it is bad that he wouldn’t be in office for the sake of his country. He claims he wants to make America great again, but how can you do that if you just have other intentions?

  2. Even though many people before Trumps presidency were stating that Trump was just in the election for his self they still voted on him. But now that he's in certain things have started to change that have affected people for the worse. Congress has become completely dominated by republicans disabling democrats from being able to speak. I hope that now that people are seeing how bad of a decision this president was they won't vote for someone like this again.

  3. It doesn’t make sense that he would run fir president only for himself anyway he has to be in charge of an entire country and no time for himself. It would only make sense to trump and his retarded self. He must not want this country to thrive and become something better but whatever his real intentions are they must not be good if he’s startin wars and messing with things that only make him happy and not the people he represents.
