Sunday, February 11, 2018

President Trump playing the Victim Role

    Donald Trump has been talking about he feels about being targeted and playing the victim. It's not a sight to see but he points the finger at the Obama organization and blaming them saying that they are using all resources at their disposal to spy on him. I think that Trump should be the bigger person about it he feels this way and shouldn't use the word victim to make people feel sorry for him it's not fair. Trump is making himself a target with the things he does and how that affected others so he bring this upon himself. He needs to wake up and realized that he's the President of the United States and he needs to act like one an don't let petty things like this stop a process that could better us instead of slowing us down. He also says that not only the FBI and DOJ (Department of justice)  but the State Department is also after him and are looking through the election. Do you think that Trump is over reacting to them rumors? If so what would you do about it would you ignore them and work on other problems to over come it or would you deal with them now to get it over with?


  1. You need to summarize the article

  2. Trump seems very childish. He’ll do or say something ridiculous and when people come at him for it, he blames other people or plays victim. He puts himself in these situations. If playing victim was his goal then he probably shouldn’t have went into office in the first place. As for your question, if they’re just rumors then he should just ignore them. If they need to be addressed then he should address them professionally and dead them. Then move along to more pressing matters.

  3. Him playing the victim doesn’t make sense at all. People “spy” on him for their own safety because of all things he’s said and done in his time as president people don’t know what he will do next and whether or not it will effect us negatively or help somehow. He is definitely over reacting about this situation he is being really paranoid and feeling as if he must defend himself and it doesn’t help people belive in him anymore. I would try to deal with these issues immediately in order to put them at rest now and not let them keep growing into something bigger than they should be.

    1. I agree with you on how you feel about the statement he shouldn't feel like a victim he is the president of the United States and other countries see him as the face this country. Its bad for people to see him like this being scared and overlooking shoulder like he’s being watched by someone. He should just prove them wrong and do things that help us because this can stop him from doing things because he’ll feel like he being judge and will cause a lot of hesitation.

  4. When Trump plays the victim card it has a deep reflection on Americas leadership and America as a whole. For the reason that he still brings up pass presidential administrations and blames them for his wrong doings. This also effects Americas image as a country because it shows how weak minded our country is and it comes across as America will pull the victim card when things go tough. Therefore I think Trump needs too clean up his act being he is making a fool of himself and the country.

  5. I think Trump is overreacting and using the wrong words to show how he feels. Trump using these words also makes him seem like he know how people is trying tom take him down. With only knowing the spectualtion the situation at hand looks worst than what it is and is making the Trump look more childish. With him looking childish it also makes America childish due to us picking him. It also says something to how he holds up situations cause as a president he needs to find the truth and face it out or else he'll just look the way he is.
