Sunday, February 4, 2018

Trump does care? MS13 gang members kill Long Island Teens

In 2016 two teens, Kayla Cuevas 15 years old and Nisa Mickens 15 years old, were beaten and murdered by MS13 gang members in Long Island. Not long after the incident Trump went to Long Island to speak on gang violence in the area. The parents of Nisa talked to Trump on the situation and she said he told her " we'll speak soon". Soon turned out to be the week of his State of Union address as both the parents of Kayla and Nisa came out to Washington D.C to hear the speech.  Trump brought up what happened and how people feel for their pain. Trump actually stated "Everyone in America is grieving for you," Trump said during the Tuesday speech. “…I want you to know that 320 million hearts are right now breaking for you. We love you. Thank you.” After the speech the mother of Nisa explained to reporters about a positive conversation with Trump. She explained how when talking to him you saw and felt not only in his words but how he was saying it that he truly cared and felt sincere for them. As a man who doesn't really show this much it's actually surprising to see this as it shows more for who Trump might actually be. This also lead me to think that what Trump is doing as president isn't because he doesn't know what he's doing, but it might be because he's doing it straight from the heart. Trump might be wanting to make America great again in a way his actions don't show the right way, but his feeling my prove other wise. If so then I start to think maybe Trump getting elected might be because he's passionate in a different way and maybe he's trying to bring passionate people with him? What do think is Trump a passionate person with feeling or is he just acting to try to persuade people to believe he is what America needs?


  1. My opinion of Trump is still the same. Just because he is some who grieves for a family doesn't mean that he is a passionate person. He is still the same person who disrespects others and disrespects cultures. He is still the same person who called Haiti, Africa , and El Salvador "******** countries". Because of those words he spoke I realize he will always be the same person. One selfless act doesn't change everything he has done. In my opinion, most of the things he does is to improve his image for others. He is trying to show that he can be trusted. This was one act where someone dies but did he act this way and show his " passionate side" when the black soldier died in Niger or did he grieve with the widow who lost her husband in the war months ago? He hasn't changed at all.

    1. In reading your response I haven't seen how Trump isn't passionate about his job. You've shown how he's disrespectful to others but nothing about his passion. You gave good stand points on how he hasn't acted on other deaths in recent years but what about other aspects of his passion. I do agree with how he still is disrespectful and does not have great feeling towards minorities but showing me more examples of his lack of passion would strengthen your argument and examples.

  2. Trump is a president who wants to lead the way he leads as if it is his company as you can see he feels he can say what he want whenever he wants. My strong opinion about trump is he is a master of deception he will say thinks to make you look left and he is doing things going right this relates to government and this topic because a president is suppose to care about his people and do things for the welfare of his people what has trump really did for people in America. The things Trump states I question because I don’t see any meaning behind what he says.
