Sunday, October 29, 2017

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Pro-Spanish Demonstrates Turn Out In Barcelona

On Sunday October 29 lots of Spaniards came together to prove they're against a independent state and for a central government's takeover of the breakway republic, they wanted leaders of a attempted secession to be punished. So when the central government took action they heard what the people was saying they immediately fired the Catalan regional President and everyone who was working to get the President want he want fired as sell. The people heard a small brief about mounting "the democratic opposition take-over" leaving everyone confused in what they heard. Then their was a showdown in which the police station was all order to take down all the portraits of puigdement, then they have to wait and see if the bureaucrats would go back to work and the doors opening up to the Catalan government and parliament.
   Finally the spokesperson of the government heard someone say "if puigdement takes part in these elections he can can excercise the democratic opposition. What I think about all of this is that the Spaniards should have the right to choose whether they want a central government to takeover and not a independent state. So the government came up with an idea to have all the Spaniards vote in a election to see what they want to have in their society; which I agree they should have an election since lots of people want something to change. Would the people of Barcelona take part of this major election to get what they want? Or would they keep coming together a lot to get their ideas to be heard and not have any elections?

Puerto Rico Loco!

Puerto Rico had a chance to re store it's power when instead decided to scrap the entire $300 million contract from the whitefish energy company. In San Juan Puerto Rico the head of the governments power company had announced that they will not be taking the offer of the three million dollar contract from whitefish energy company in order to investigate the contracts validity. Although the cancellation will delay much work to be done for about 10-12 weeks.There cannot be any kind of distraction that alters the commitment to restore electrical power as soon as possible in Puerto Rico." Although the restoration of Puerto Rico's power would have been extremely beneficial to their hurricane relief efforts. The whitefish energy company was stationed in a remote area in the mountains of north Montana and have only been around for two years with only two employees until the hurricane made landfall after that they had hired more than 300 in order to help with work in Puerto Rico."We will certainly finish any work that PREPA wants us to complete and stand by our commitments knowing that we made an important contribution to the restoration of the power grid since our arrival on the island on Oct. 2." Ricardo Rosella (The governor) had stated . Even though they are being safe rather than sorry this is also a big set back in order for Puerto Rico to move forward and get back to it's full strength.  The Trump Administration had also stated that there were no political connections in this incident. Many investigations and audits are ongoing in order to get  to the bottom of the Whitefish energy company and make sure they are legit, local and federal government are both involved in this, they are even keeping tabs on the company's purchase and contracting divisions. Still about 70 percent of Puerto Rico is without power, it's been over a month after the hurricane had struck. Puerto Rico is a place where a lot of people go to spend their vacations it is somewhere amazing but seeing struggling like this is very sad and disappointing not just the people on the outside but the people of Puerto Rico as well.   

Short Term Plan to Stabilize Obama Care

A Republican senator said he has reached a tentative deal with a Democratic counterpart to provide a short-term stabilization fix to Obamacare health insurance markets. It was between Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash. The deal was made five days after President Donald Trump's decision to kill billions of dollars worth of crucial Obamacare payments to insurers.
Trump's move, coupled with an executive order he signed Thursday, is widely expected to harm the Obamacare markets. It was already leading to higher premium prices for individual health plans next year. Alexander said the bipartisan deal would reinstate the cost-sharing reduction reimbursement payments to Obamacare plans for two years. However, it would have to be approved by congress.
"This agreement avoids chaos," Alexander said on the Senate floor. "I don't know a Republican or Democrat who benefits from chaos." The deal would also give states flexibility on what kinds of health plans could be sold in individual states, and would reportedly allow people over age 30 to buy less expensive and less comprehensive catastrophic health insurance plans. The deal also would allocate money for states to promote enrollment in health coverage. And it would allow for the creation of "interstate compacts" for the purchase of health coverage. Many have said that there is no guarantee that Alexander and Murray will be able to win approval for their agreement from either the rest of Congress, or from Trump. "It stabilizes the system," said Schumer. "There's a growing consensus that in the short term, we need stability in the markets." Schumer said the bill includes "anti-sabotage" provisions to counteract the "sabotaging" of Obamacare that Trump has engaged in. "This agreement would undo much of that sabotage. The deal in its current form is not close to being something that the Trump administration would accept. The administration would want much more than the flexibility being offered to individual states.  Trump says "This is a short-term deal, because we think, ultimately, block grants going to the states is going to be the answer". He was referring to the block grant system that was contained in a failed Obamacare replacement bill last month, that would have given states money directly to set up their own health coverage systems for individuals. What are your thoughts on this situation?  Do you think this plan has the potential to succeed with approval? Or do you think this plan will not be able to succeed?

Sunday, October 22, 2017

FBI watched, then acted as Russian spy moved closer to Hillary

As Hillary Clinton was beginning her job as President Obama’s chief diplomat, federal agents observed that Russian spies were released in America. During 2009 to 2010 the FBI found illegal evidence. A female Russian spy posing as an American accountant so that she could get closer to Hillary and gain intelligence, later the spy was arrested and deported as she moved closer to getting inside the secretary’s department, agents said. Another pointed where spies were sent over was in October 2009 which was intercepted by the FBI in which Russian handlers instructed two of their spies specifically to gather nonpublic information on the State Department. “Send more info on current international affairs vital for R., highlight US approach,” part of the message to the spies read, using the country’s first initial to refer to Russia. “… Try to single out tidbits unknown publicly but revealed in private by sources closer to State Department, government, major think tanks.” (The Hill interview with FBI agents) Hillary seems to have been in the Russians sights even before Trump came into office and had several occasions where the spies always tried to get close enough to have enough dirt on Hillary and America. I find this extremely interesting because I for one never knew about these occurrences with Russian spies have infiltrated our political system. What is truly questionable though is if this can be traced back to present day Trump allegations with him and the Russian hackers, could it be a possible linkage or just two separate matters?

Trumps Plan on Tax Cuts

         President Trump has a plan to make tax cuts. These cuts are suppose to be the biggest cuts in the history of the country. He believes that he will have enough votes for his plan to pass in Congress.  “Well, it’s going to be all growth. Look, it’s going to be growth. I think that growth can be staggering. I also think we have a lot of waste in this country. And we’ll be doing other things. We will be doing welfare reform. I mean that’s coming up,” said Trump in his interview on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo. He plans to not only deal with taxes but also health care. His main claim is that there will be “growth” for the country. 
          What good or bad do you think will come from these tax cuts? The welfare reform? Also, Trump hasn’t stated exactly how he’s going to get all of these things done. So will something be done, or is this just another statement telling people what they want to hear?

Appeals court delays abortion for immigrant held in federal detention

A divided federal appeals court delayed final resolution of the case of a 17-year-old pregnant migrant in federal detention who is seeking an abortion, giving the Trump administration until the end of this month to find a private sponsor who can house her and will allow her to obtain the procedure.The one Democratic appointee on the panel, Judge Patricia Millett, dissented, saying that further delay of Doe’s right to have an abortion was unwarranted.
“In this context, timing profoundly matters,” she wrote, noting that at this stage of a pregnancy, each passing day can “increase the health risks associated with an abortion procedure.” By the end of the month, when Doe would be 17 weeks pregnant, she probably would no longer be able to use the abortion clinic near the shelter and would have to travel to a clinic in north Texas hundreds of miles away, Millett added.
Lawyers for the ACLU, which represents Doe, expressed disappointment with the ruling. During the hearing, lawyers noted that finding a sponsor is often a lengthy process that involves extensive vetting.
“Justice is delayed yet again for this courageous and persistent young woman. She continues to be held hostage and prevented from getting an abortion because the Trump administration disagrees with her personal decision,” Brigitte Amiri, senior staff attorney with the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project, said in a statement. “We are investigating all avenues to get justice for her.”
Looking closer at this decision I find it appalling that the Trump administration is trying to tell a women what they should do with their bodies. This situation is unfair to the only person that maters in this debacle is Jane Doe. I see it as its here body she can use it any way she please. She has two option basically , to go home and do the abortion, or stay and have the baby. These option doesn't benefit Jane doe in the long run because she still doesn't want the baby, and the longer she waits the more dangerous the procedure is to conduct. Do you agree that the states can make the decision for females whether or not they can have  the procedure.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

President Trumps illness and Nuclear War

Malik Kingsberry

  President Trump seems to be in line with Nuclear War, but can this be due to a mental illness he may have. A psychiatric diagnosis have shown that Trump my have malignant narcissism and this may pose a major threat to everyone. A licensed psychologist for 25 years, James Gillian, spent most of his career working with mental patients, mass murders, and serial criminals to understand brain patterns. Gillian the main psychologist has noticed some traits from his words and actions. He noticed quotes from saying Hillary needs to be imprisoned or assassinated, or threats to hit North Korea with nukes has shown them something important. These and many others have shown them signs of malignant narcissism, which have been seen in people like Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. Some key signs seem to be bragging, paranoia, conspiracy theories, demonizing those who goes against them, exploiting and bullying.
  With many of these factors in play I believe the psychologist and think Trump should be looked more into this. These signs show how Trump might rise up for a  dictatorship and seeing how Trump listens no more it seems possible. Through the election his speeches have shown different signs as when he going on about the Hillary conspiracy or exploiting immigrants and others. Also with his emotions rages how will that sit with this diagnosis. In conclusion, I have some questions do you believe Trump has malignant narcissism, if so do you believe Trump will activate the nuclear war or do you believe Trumps diagnosis will lead him to negatively effect the gov't.

Hillary Disagrees With Trump’s New Iran Policy

Ameer Clark

   Recently President Trump has gone back and rescinded a deal that the U.S made with Iran back in 2015. It was a nuclear arms deal that was enforced while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State under President Barack Obama. President Trump stated that this deal was not thought out and was a “terrible” deal that should be retracted. As a rebuddle Hillary stated that it was not a terrible deal and if Trump goes through with rescinding this deal, America’s credibility will plummet. Countries across the globe will hear of this and then the U.S’s word will be about as good as nothing. Hillary believes that America needs to keep this deal and if we get rid of it America would be playing right into Iran’s hands. No matter how he looks at it, Trump strongly believes that the U.S needs to “toughen” up what America is asking from Iran in order for the deal to be acceptable. 

     I agree with that Hillary is saying because the U.S needs to be credible if anything. The United States of America is always in the middle of some other country’s foreign affairs so that means that America’s word is bond (as some New Yorkers say). Also, America has a lot of treaties with other countries which means that we have tons of relationships we need to keep strong and in check. If we take this deal back then Iran can and probably will make it a public thing and now all of the countries that we have treaties with will realize that America isn’t who they say they are and there is no longer a reason for this treaty because first chance they get, America will go back on their word. In conclusion I believe that in order to keep our relationship strong not only in Iran but the whole world, this deal needs to continue and cannot be rescinded or “toughened” like Trump plans on making it. 

Trump speaks on Iran violating nuclear agreement and threatens to pull out of deal

      On Friday 13th President Trump talk about the problem in Iran about them violating their nuclear agreement with his own opinion on how the U.S should strengthen the rules on the Iran nuclear program. He stats that "I am directing my administration to work closely with Congress and our allies to address the deal's many serious flaws so that the Iranian regime can never threaten the world with nuclear weapons." In the article it show him taking the problem in to his own hands like in a way of a tyrant without the congress approval or  there consideration. This could lead to more conflicts that will be out of our control and we want to avoid trouble. Also it says""In the event we are not able to reach a solution working with Congress and our allies, then the agreement will be terminated. It is under continuous review and our participation can be canceled by me as President at any time." So if the plan doesn't go to his liking them then its a done deal.
      In my opinion President Trump is being a bit dramatic on terminating the Iran program but I can see where he going with it to protect us from threats if Iran turns on us but we cant assume that but I also agree that at least strengthening or pay more attention to what Iran is doing. If he goes through with this plan this could lead us to be on bad terms with other countries if we quick to shut down things if they look bad without trying to fix the problem first hand. Also the article says " Iran had "failed to meet our expectations in its operations of advanced centrifuges," and "intimidated" international inspectors into not using their full authority. He also accused the Obama administration of lifting sanctions on Iran under the terms of the deal at a moment when the Iranian clerical regime was about to collapse, an assessment that contradicts the views of many experts. He also ordered US intelligence agencies to mount a new assessment of Iran's compliance." Trump is trying to keep us safe but the way he does things or says things make him wrong in some ways.
       Do you agree with Trump's plan to stop Iran nuclear program or do you think he should have gone another way of handling it? Also would this beneficial to the U.S if we would follow this act and cancel their program and do think he should have the power to do so?


Trump and health care

President Trump has been on everybody’s radar lately, including the national government itself, and not on a good note. As expected, he continues to act erratically. According to An article on the “Washington Post” created by Amy Goldstein, “After threatening for months to end billions of dollars in payments promised to health insurers, President Trump finally dropped the ax with timing that could inflict maximal disruption on the affordable healthcare act enrollment season scheduled to begin in two weeks.” This seems like an abuse of power, but there must be more to it. Why would a president, a man in which is supposed to do what he can to BETTER the country and the people do so much to bring them down ?What good does taking away money from health care do but cause turmoil and disruption the economy ? This makes many parties worried and government struggle because this takes away from federal funds. Also, in the text it states “Officials in at least three states are now debating whether to delay the Nov. 1 start of the enrollment as they rush to consider higher premiums to make up for the abrupt loss of federal money.” This is a direct example of the negative affect President Trump is having on the nation. His petty rules and actions towards certain groups do nothing but bad for the U.S as a whole. In all, he needs to stop this before he digs us an even bigger hole we won’t get out of.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Dean from University of Chicago Ban Safe Spaces

This August, as a new school year was about to begin, the University of Chicago captured media attention with the letter it addressed to incoming first-years. The anodyne welcome letter to incoming freshmen is a college staple, but this week the University of Chicago took a different approach: It sent new students a blunt statement opposing some hallmarks of campus political correctness, drawing thousands of impassioned responses, for and against, as it caromed around cyberspace.

“Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called trigger warnings, we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial, and we do not condone the creation of intellectual ‘safe spaces’ where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own,” John Ellison, dean of students, wrote to members of the class of 2020, who will arrive next month.
This was a good move for John Ellison as he realized the concept of ''safe spaces'' is a insult to the right of free speech and the entire first amendment from the constitution. Well rounded individuals heading to college should be grown enough to handle opinions and differing perspectives, not hide from a dangerous thing called an idea. 

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Trump Administration has begun the denial of 800,000 young immigrants

Trump has demanded an exchange for deals to protect young undocumented immigrants also named as dreamers reach a legislative solution before beginning legalizing 800,000 young immigrant trump  insisted to start the construction of the wall across the southern border. 10,000 immigration agents was hired to make tougher laws for the people who are seeking  asylums and the detail of federal grants to sanctuary cities according to officials. The White House has demanded a use of the E-Verify program by companies in America which is to keep illegal immigrants from getting jnobsand to end people bringing in extended family into the United States which means the border and going to become strict, hard against thousands of children fleeing violence in central America. After hearing how the dreamers felt it shows how, The Trump administration is starting to deny immigrants from a better chance. After hearing from Dreamers most of them where brought to the united states at a young age and benefited from the daca program which is also being targeted by the Trump administration, also most of them the 800,000 young immigrants  Obama protected with his executive powers are now under attack by the Trump administration, my question to you is if the trump administration hears the voices of The dreamers on how America has changed their lives, how it gave them a better chance at life would. it change  Trumps mind, would it change his mind about the wall, and would it change the mind of the congress? After hearing about this it makes me feel that Trump wants to isolate America and cut out all immigrants from America when they where the ones who helped build America.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Puerto Rico's Nightmare Recovery

The people of Puerto Rico are still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Maria. Recovery has been a nightmare for many of the island's 3.4 million US citizens. This situation has had some ups and downs. People with access to drinking water is 45 percent and those without are at 50% The death toll is at 16. Many people are without power. Only 5% of people were given electricity.   721 of 1,100 Gasoline stations have opened. 295 of 456 supermarkets have opened but some victims are still out of food. 11 Staging areas across the island for food, water and other supplies and 139 Shelters  are open. It has been tough and many people are suffering. Eyleen Gonzalez, who has lived in puerto rico all her life, has said "I don't want to live here anymore", without hesitation. FEMA( Federal Emergency Management Agency) has been helping but people are still having long waits to get the basic necessities of food and water from FEMA. Lines have stretched for blocks for gasoline, bare shelves in the grocery stores, no frozen goods, no milk, no ice, and can goods are being rationed out. Some people have driven 90 miles to get to another grocery store for food. FEMA has said 2.5 Liters of water and 2 million meals have been delivered but there are 275 refrigerated containers of food and supplies still held up at ports. Nothing is being done with those containers at the moment when more of those containers should be sent as possible. The people of Puerto Rico are struggling and the containers are just taking up space when they should be doing some good to others. Do you think more attention to this situation will cause a change in productivity and give FEMA more of a reason to start helping more?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Referendum Pandemonium

Article Naseer Ansari-

An independence referendum entered into chaos this Sunday when police blocked the entrance to a school that was being used as a polling station for the Catalan independence referendum. Police and citizens turned extremely violent in order to seize ballot boxes to stop them from voting(with more than 750 civilians injured and at least a dozen soanish police officers hurt as well). The prime minister of Mariano Rajoy had  addressed the people that same day and had this to say “Today, the Spanish state has lost a lot more than it had already lost, and Catalan citizens have won a lot more than they had won until now." Many citizens and pro-referendum supporters were camping and staying at different polling stations in order to ensure they would not close and were people at the front lines of the riots.
Many pro-referendum supporters had even begun protests including one that blocked a gate to one of the polling stations that the police were trying to seize. This referendum was something that many of the Catalan citizens were anticipating especially since their  dictatorship had ended with the death of dictator Gen.Francisco Franco in 1975 and they were ready to start anew. This had an impact on other parts of Barcelona the well adored soccer team (F.C Barcelona) had to play a game behind closed doors because of this incident. Many different citizens like Mario Pulpillo (age 54) agree with the referendum and said "Spain has shown us today its ugliest and darkest face, that which we really thought had disappeared 40 years ago, You simply can’t use violence against people who just want to vote.” Despite all the commotion and chaos there was still an impactful turnout of people who still had hope that they could make catalonia a place that everyone can be free to make their own decisions. On this day Catalonia was changed forever but is it for the better or worse?