The people of Puerto Rico are still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Maria. Recovery has been a nightmare for many of the island's 3.4 million US citizens. This situation has had some ups and downs. People with access to drinking water is 45 percent and those without are at 50% The death toll is at 16. Many people are without power. Only 5% of people were given electricity. 721 of 1,100 Gasoline stations have opened. 295 of 456 supermarkets have opened but some victims are still out of food. 11 Staging areas across the island for food, water and other supplies and 139 Shelters are open. It has been tough and many people are suffering. Eyleen Gonzalez, who has lived in puerto rico all her life, has said "I don't want to live here anymore", without hesitation. FEMA( Federal Emergency Management Agency) has been helping but people are still having long waits to get the basic necessities of food and water from FEMA. Lines have stretched for blocks for gasoline, bare shelves in the grocery stores, no frozen goods, no milk, no ice, and can goods are being rationed out. Some people have driven 90 miles to get to another grocery store for food. FEMA has said 2.5 Liters of water and 2 million meals have been delivered but there are 275 refrigerated containers of food and supplies still held up at ports. Nothing is being done with those containers at the moment when more of those containers should be sent as possible. The people of Puerto Rico are struggling and the containers are just taking up space when they should be doing some good to others. Do you think more attention to this situation will cause a change in productivity and give FEMA more of a reason to start helping more?
I think bringing more attention will change something and it will make FEMA have more of a reason to start helping more because FEMA is a federal organization and it will make them and the United States look bad because the United States is a top tier country which means they have the resources and the people to help which is FEMA this will draw attention to the United States and the president and have people start to raise questions.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is, with recent events, the president has been asked questions about Puerto Rico. People are3 telling him to get to work and help. He then says to the people" Puerto Rico is asking for too much". It's frustrating we have him as a president.
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ReplyDeleteThis situation is very hard to understand st the point of why is food being held. The food should be moving into the different cities as fast as possible so the families in need can get the more help the can get. Also beside food what other needs are the Puerto Rican citizens getting? The food and water yes is what the people need now but at the same time what's being done to people with no homes or no connection to make food whats being done for them. In conclusion I do believe bringing more attention will bring a change in how they operate and make them move the food faster so the people can get what they need
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that it should more attention to this subject. FEMA is giving citizens food, water, supplies like first aid kits, garbage bags, etc. Usually FEMA would give temporary housing in other situations but not in this case. Even with all this, it isn't a lot to help the people who are struggling. Something needs to change fast.
DeleteI do think that more attention needs to be brought to this because it seems that FEMA is doing more talk than action. The government needs to put more pressure on FEMA or at least bring in another organization to help out those that are in need. I think something else that can be done to help those in need of shelter is just temporary set up huts, this way they'll have a roof over their heads. If FEMA continues on this path we may see more people like Eyleen Gonzalez who just don't want to stay in a place that isn't getting the support it needs. But it also goes into question that with all of these supplies FEMA has what are they actually doing with it.
ReplyDeleteYou speak very strong words and I agree with you. I hate to see that people like Eyleen have to go through something like this. It's a tragedy and others are sitting back while others are suffering. Change needs to happen immediately.
DeleteI think bringing more attention to the situation will make a change in productivity. However, I don’t think FEMA should need a “reason” to help considering it’s their job. When people are in need they’re suppose to help. But because it’s Puerto Rico and it’s a place where many minorities live, government isn’t going to pay that much attention to them and put 100% into helping rebuild the place which is wrong. They need to use the supplies and give it to the people, and help give more than just 5% of people electricity.
ReplyDeleteIt makes no sense why FEMA is taking their time helping and I agree with you for the need for a reason from them to help. FEMA and the government too have the initial job of making sure those of America are helped and living satisfactory lives so what's the hold up in trying to help the minorities and giving some food to those who need it.
DeleteI am not too sure what else I can say that has not been said, like of course more attention to the situation would improve things all around but this is problematic due to the timing of the disaster. With multiple places all over the south getting hit with hurricanes and this even more recent event with the shootings in Las Vegas, I feel attention is going to be divided at least where the media is concerned. Hopefully we can overcome all these problems stacked against us sooner rather than later.
ReplyDeleteThere are many problems going around in different places and it's hard to help everyone but I feel if you take one step to helping one place, you could possibly help the other places as well.
DeleteI am not sure on what else the media can do to spread the news about the situation.It is now up to the US government to take some action because so far their are certain laws that the make money from.At the end of the day it all comes back to who benefits and who and who dont get any thing in the time of need.Then you have the president saying that there is nothing he can do about it.then in a press conference the president of these fine states is throwing paper towel into the crowed.
ReplyDeleteSomething needs to be done because the situation doesn't seem to be get any better. And President Trump should be doing more as well than just saying he can't really do anything because there is so much more he could do. Many people has said and this comes from other news stories " Unless you go down to Puerto Rico, roll up your sleeves, and do something then you don't deserve to be president" and I agree with that statement.
DeleteI think that we can do the best we can to lend support to the people in Puerto Rico who are suffering but even you try to help its sometimes never enough.It hurts to see people ripped away from their homes and lose family members and they can't even get food to feed there families because of the hurricane.I think that we can't just focus more on one event then the other even if its wrong but horrific events happen everyday in the world.