Sunday, October 15, 2017

Trump and health care

President Trump has been on everybody’s radar lately, including the national government itself, and not on a good note. As expected, he continues to act erratically. According to An article on the “Washington Post” created by Amy Goldstein, “After threatening for months to end billions of dollars in payments promised to health insurers, President Trump finally dropped the ax with timing that could inflict maximal disruption on the affordable healthcare act enrollment season scheduled to begin in two weeks.” This seems like an abuse of power, but there must be more to it. Why would a president, a man in which is supposed to do what he can to BETTER the country and the people do so much to bring them down ?What good does taking away money from health care do but cause turmoil and disruption the economy ? This makes many parties worried and government struggle because this takes away from federal funds. Also, in the text it states “Officials in at least three states are now debating whether to delay the Nov. 1 start of the enrollment as they rush to consider higher premiums to make up for the abrupt loss of federal money.” This is a direct example of the negative affect President Trump is having on the nation. His petty rules and actions towards certain groups do nothing but bad for the U.S as a whole. In all, he needs to stop this before he digs us an even bigger hole we won’t get out of.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that trumps new health care plan is going to mess the welfare system because that means he is also planning to cut out health care for the people in need which means health care will not be easy to maintain or to have.
