Sunday, October 15, 2017

President Trumps illness and Nuclear War

Malik Kingsberry

  President Trump seems to be in line with Nuclear War, but can this be due to a mental illness he may have. A psychiatric diagnosis have shown that Trump my have malignant narcissism and this may pose a major threat to everyone. A licensed psychologist for 25 years, James Gillian, spent most of his career working with mental patients, mass murders, and serial criminals to understand brain patterns. Gillian the main psychologist has noticed some traits from his words and actions. He noticed quotes from saying Hillary needs to be imprisoned or assassinated, or threats to hit North Korea with nukes has shown them something important. These and many others have shown them signs of malignant narcissism, which have been seen in people like Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. Some key signs seem to be bragging, paranoia, conspiracy theories, demonizing those who goes against them, exploiting and bullying.
  With many of these factors in play I believe the psychologist and think Trump should be looked more into this. These signs show how Trump might rise up for a  dictatorship and seeing how Trump listens no more it seems possible. Through the election his speeches have shown different signs as when he going on about the Hillary conspiracy or exploiting immigrants and others. Also with his emotions rages how will that sit with this diagnosis. In conclusion, I have some questions do you believe Trump has malignant narcissism, if so do you believe Trump will activate the nuclear war or do you believe Trumps diagnosis will lead him to negatively effect the gov't.


  1. This is very interesting considering I had no idea malignant narcissism was a real thing. I believe as president you should be mentally stable and healthy. Having someone in office with any kind of mental illness or instability can have negative affects on the government whether it be significant or not. I do not believe Trump will activate the nuclear war because I don’t think he’d be that rash. However, I do think his rage and rude and outlandish comments will land the U.S. in a unfortunate situation (hopefully not).

  2. If this story has some validity to it this could mean a reason for the president impeachment. If this is correct this means that the president is in danger and is also putting is putting the public in danger. By him thinking that people are question his authority. Every thing that characterize the malignant narcissism is what Trump has done ever since he has become president. Yet again if this is true then this should be enough to shed light on the issue.

  3. The thing about people with mental issues is that they have no control of what they say or do and sometimes do not feel remorse for what they've done. Trump has been shown to have no remorse for the things he's done and dosen't seem to show regret. If the case that he does have a mental illness, it needs to be checked out. If he dosen't, his narcissism could get this country in trouble. In fact, with his talk on the media and rules of deportation, I have never once seeen him show remorse or publicly apologize for anything and that is due to his narcissism.

  4. The thing about people with mental issues is that they have no control of what they say or do and sometimes do not feel remorse for what they've done. Trump has been shown to have no remorse for the things he's done and dosen't seem to show regret. If the case that he does have a mental illness, it needs to be checked out. If he dosen't, his narcissism could get this country in trouble. In fact, with his talk on the media and rules of deportation, I have never once seeen him show remorse or publicly apologize for anything and that is due to his narcissism.

  5. I find this very interesting because if I have a mental illness which means I cannot lead a country properly, and maybe even start a war. which means that I must step down as president because I cannot fill the role as president, which means I got to go right ? what do you thing trump will do stay or go and what will be the results?????

  6. I find this interesting due to the history of those with malignant narcissism and how they all reached an inevitable end. But in the case that Trump does in fact try to place his self in the seat of dictatorship, I think it'll leave america devastated in the end. With Trumps already strenuous relationship with North Korea has already made many Americans uneasy. If it comes to a nuclear war will there be a way to stop it before the first war head is fired?

    1. i agree Trump could be dangerous and would leave America hurt a lot. i also believe the only way to stop any wars would be by getting Trump out of office. Without him out of place of power no action can be started and any possible outcome andd be heavily reduced.

  7. Its like double edge sword where if president Trump has this malignant narcissism and that he getting us in a predicament with a nuclear war. T hen the way he is on topics and his actions can make us think low of him.
