Sunday, October 15, 2017

Trump speaks on Iran violating nuclear agreement and threatens to pull out of deal

      On Friday 13th President Trump talk about the problem in Iran about them violating their nuclear agreement with his own opinion on how the U.S should strengthen the rules on the Iran nuclear program. He stats that "I am directing my administration to work closely with Congress and our allies to address the deal's many serious flaws so that the Iranian regime can never threaten the world with nuclear weapons." In the article it show him taking the problem in to his own hands like in a way of a tyrant without the congress approval or  there consideration. This could lead to more conflicts that will be out of our control and we want to avoid trouble. Also it says""In the event we are not able to reach a solution working with Congress and our allies, then the agreement will be terminated. It is under continuous review and our participation can be canceled by me as President at any time." So if the plan doesn't go to his liking them then its a done deal.
      In my opinion President Trump is being a bit dramatic on terminating the Iran program but I can see where he going with it to protect us from threats if Iran turns on us but we cant assume that but I also agree that at least strengthening or pay more attention to what Iran is doing. If he goes through with this plan this could lead us to be on bad terms with other countries if we quick to shut down things if they look bad without trying to fix the problem first hand. Also the article says " Iran had "failed to meet our expectations in its operations of advanced centrifuges," and "intimidated" international inspectors into not using their full authority. He also accused the Obama administration of lifting sanctions on Iran under the terms of the deal at a moment when the Iranian clerical regime was about to collapse, an assessment that contradicts the views of many experts. He also ordered US intelligence agencies to mount a new assessment of Iran's compliance." Trump is trying to keep us safe but the way he does things or says things make him wrong in some ways.
       Do you agree with Trump's plan to stop Iran nuclear program or do you think he should have gone another way of handling it? Also would this beneficial to the U.S if we would follow this act and cancel their program and do think he should have the power to do so?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I partially agree with Trump’s decision. I do think that nuclear weapons are very dangerous and therefore should not be dealt with for safety reasons, so it would be most wise to stop the program so that no one gets any ideas. However, at the same time you cant just assume that Iran is planning anything suspicious with these nuclear weapons. Knowing Trump he probably did this with the idea that Iranians are all terrorists, causing him to handle the situation in an “extra” way. He definitely could’ve handled it differently.

    1. I agree with what your saying that President Trump doesn't handle everything on good terms with everyone.He know to take things to far or say something unessacary or offensive and that leads to his own downfall.

  3. I somewhat agree with Trump's decision. It can be dangerous to have nuclear weapons and can lead to more war and fear. That's why I feel maybe the U.S shouldn't have weapons so they won't be used for the wrong reasons, like in the past. However, it could have been handeled a better way. One must understand that pulling out of the deal can strain the relationship with Iran as the U.S's ally.

  4. I disagree with his decision because Iran is an unstable country, why do they need a nuclear weapon if they themselves do not know what to do with it, as President I feel it would be very important to keep a deal with a country like that because over the years American troops and citizens has died because of individuals that come from those areas, ( Thinking from a different stand point )
