Sunday, October 15, 2017

Hillary Disagrees With Trump’s New Iran Policy

Ameer Clark

   Recently President Trump has gone back and rescinded a deal that the U.S made with Iran back in 2015. It was a nuclear arms deal that was enforced while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State under President Barack Obama. President Trump stated that this deal was not thought out and was a “terrible” deal that should be retracted. As a rebuddle Hillary stated that it was not a terrible deal and if Trump goes through with rescinding this deal, America’s credibility will plummet. Countries across the globe will hear of this and then the U.S’s word will be about as good as nothing. Hillary believes that America needs to keep this deal and if we get rid of it America would be playing right into Iran’s hands. No matter how he looks at it, Trump strongly believes that the U.S needs to “toughen” up what America is asking from Iran in order for the deal to be acceptable. 

     I agree with that Hillary is saying because the U.S needs to be credible if anything. The United States of America is always in the middle of some other country’s foreign affairs so that means that America’s word is bond (as some New Yorkers say). Also, America has a lot of treaties with other countries which means that we have tons of relationships we need to keep strong and in check. If we take this deal back then Iran can and probably will make it a public thing and now all of the countries that we have treaties with will realize that America isn’t who they say they are and there is no longer a reason for this treaty because first chance they get, America will go back on their word. In conclusion I believe that in order to keep our relationship strong not only in Iran but the whole world, this deal needs to continue and cannot be rescinded or “toughened” like Trump plans on making it. 


  1. I completely agree with Hilary because the u.s were the ones who wanted the agreement and to back out know would be a mistake. Yet again Trump is trying to undo every thing that President Obama has worked for. It is not about whats best for the people but what is he going to gain from the situation. Its not about us being tougher but being smarter and not starting another war.

  2. I feel that Trumps main mission as president is to destroy everything Obama did as president because he has sometimes against him, I feel that this makes the United States untrustworthy in many ways who wants to be an ally with a complete idiot?

  3. I agree with Hillary Clinton because keeping this deal will benefit everyone in America. In which if you get rid of something that everyone like it will cause lots of chaos in society and everywhere else. Which argues that Trump claim ot idea I completely disagree with but on the other completely agree with Hillary.

  4. I completely agree with Hillary because if two countries agree on an action but later on one of them backs out, it ends up making that country look horrible. Trumps reasoning for not wanted the deal to still be around is too brash and unreasonable. As the president of the United States he should be thinking about both the welfare of the country and its people. If Trump isn't able to remove the deal will Iran look past this act or hold it agaimst us in future deals?
