Sunday, October 30, 2016

Ads That Use Candidates’ Own Words, to Powerful Effect

This article talks about the use of ads in this years election and its effect on the campaign. Specifically it details how Hillary Clinton used clips from Donald Trump speaking in order to portray a certain image about him. In one section of the ad it shows young teenage girls looking at themselves in the mirror just before a recording of Donald Trump's voice plays saying “I’d look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers. … She’s a slob, she ate like a pig. … A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. … Did she have a good body? No.” The video then poses the question to the viewers, "Is this the president we want for our daughters?" Later in the article it analyzes the effects of having ads like these and whether or not they actually help the respective candidates in the long run. Do you all feel as though this is a good and effective tactic to use when campaigning, or that it only shows that the candidates are conniving and manipulative as people? How does this show a shift in American politics?
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  1. Propaganda is a powerful tool to influence people. I don't think that this is any different from past elections. However, it is the responsibility of the electorate to be informed on issues as not to be swayed by propaganda. But who cares about the boring stuff as long as they are entertained.

  2. At this point in the campaign it's really childish.
    Both Hillary and trump with each taking each other words out of context and just publicly making a fool out of each other in the worse ways
    I do belief propaganda is key to winning over people.
    However it just seems like they aren't the best of candidates.

    1. I agree that at this point the election process has just become somewhat juvenile. Do you feel like Americans don't know whats good for them because while propaganda can be a bad thing, it's been happening, in some form or another, since the federal government first manifested. It seems like America keeps choosing people who, as you put it, aren't the best of candidates

  3. I feel introducing the entire propaganda idea is great. Yes it can be seen as amusing and entertainment, but it does help point out realistic things we don't notice sometimes. As far as it being an effective tactic;Yes and no. Yes it can be seen as productive to show standpoint and possible similarities and differences between candidates. No because when your campaign goes from why YOU are the right choice to why HE/SHE is incompetent to run the nation, it waters-down the politics and makes it seem more entertaining. As far as shift in American Politics, I feel that was easily demonstrated once Trump was allowed to run for office. It was then strengthened when Trump became one of two people that could possibly run our nation.

    1. I agree with this in the sense that using propaganda in elections can be both a good and bad thing. It seems like people care more about the negatives having to do with a particular candidate than the positives. I feel like this causes the entire election process into one big roast competition rather than a race to see who can best run the country.
