Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Donald Trump's GOP civil war

As the presidential race is coming to an end Donald Trump has gained many enemies in the Republican party. He is known for being an emotional candidate, lashing out on social media and responding to people in a disrespectful manner. Do you think this man is qualified for president? I feel that it's going to be hard to have a president that is so temperamental. He can't handle his emotions or respond well to criticism.Should we have a president whose behavior can send us into a possible nuclear war with China, North Korea or Russia. We need a level headed president that can take charge and put there emotions aside and that can make smart decisions for the country.
In the last presidential debate Donald Trump took a stab at Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator John Mccain. He said he began the day with a series of shots  over twitter at Speaker Paul Ryan, saying it's hard to do well when the speaker isn't supportive," He followed up about an hour later calling Ryan a weak and ineffective leader."So if the people in the republican party don't trust him what should the American people should do?


  1. I feel that while Donald Trumps actions are not really fit for a president, they are fit for this time period. In America today the best way to gain a lot of followers and attention is by sparking controversy. In my opinion this is the only reason as to why Trump has made it this far in the election. Because of the things that he says and does, the media is able to feed off of him and in a sense give him free advertising which helps him in the polls.

  2. I feel as tho his actions are not fit for somebody that would be put in such a position of power. Him acting this way would not be a good image for the United States to be represented by primarily because everything he says sparks controversy and does not resonate well with everyone.

  3. The american people should vote for who they want to vote for. But the way how the debates are looking, none of them are doing a good job, its like a big joke.

  4. let me answer your question. Donald Trump is not, nor will he ever be qualified to be president. With that being said it doesn't matter whether if he is Islamophobic a bigot or even a sex offender the people he has gained as his followers will stick with him till the bitter end. Donald Trump can go after anybody without any logical reason and people will have his back which is why he is a threat to American national security.

  5. I feel as if Donald Trump should have never entered the race for president. And I think know with the alleged sexual offense against him it will hurt his chances; but say if that offense never occurred he would still have a good as a chance winning the election as Hilary.

  6. I strongly agree with you tarif .If you was president would you do the same thing that Donald Trump is doing now for advertisement?

  7. Donald trump is definitely not fit for president for several reasons. He does not have any real plans of action for our country's problem's. Also even though he has not said he is racist, he is supported by those that are racist. ( even if he wasn't, he has not denied it either.) The only positive about Trump is his knowledge of business. And even with that, his idea of lessening tax on the wealthy(or business owners) in hopes of the money to trickle down is not guaranteed. If you want to strengthen our country you build the bottom of the pyramid, not the top.
