Monday, October 3, 2016

Shimon Peres: Doing the impossible by creating peace through politics

What does it mean to fight for civil rights and justice? Is it devoting ones life to advocating for the rights of others or is it simply stating your opinion when you see injustice and hoping for peace? Not implying that the prior is the only way to get involved but now a days we see more of the later. Being a civil right activist is not always easy being mobbed for having an opinion, not having the support of the government which represents you, and even risking the well being of yourself and the ones you love. Shimon dedicated his life to bringing peace and civil rights to the warring Israeli states. His political career is a blueprint for any country willing to move past its pride and provide  all citizens with the rights they deserve. Our country is going through moral decay, African Americans are being murdered by those who are meant to protect them, Islamic citizens are being profiled as terrorist and poverty along with health concerns are ever present in inner cities and poor communities. Our presidential candidates preach peace and equality but Trumps crude business tactics and  Clintons ties to wall street make that hard to believe. Even their "fight for minority rights" seems out of character due to Trumps discrimination towards immigrants and Clintons past with the bombing of other countries for the "benefit of the free world". If American politicians really want to practice what they preach then  take multiple pages out of Shimon Peres' book and then maybe our government and those elected to run would be worthy of their claims. In your opinions what did Shimon do differently that other politicians do not? What does this say about America and the free world when of the most respected civil rights leaders can not be tied  our country?  


  1. I like this article, but in my opinion, I feel like they don't care about peace. What they really care about is winning and saying what the people want to hear

    1. Yes I agree with your point and it is fair to say that all they care about is winning but what does that say about our country in terms of who has the power and whether they deserve it.

    2. I think it says that our country is driven by money and control instead of peace within the country.

    3. No arguing with you when you say our country is driven by money and control, but there has to be more to it. To Ezekiel's point; I do believe that it is about peace. In Yennik's post , it said " his political career is a blueprint for any country willing to move past its pride and provide all citizens with the rights they deserve." This shows Shimon's life was dedicated to finding a true sense of equality. Also, What do you mean by winning ? That is broad and can be interpreted differently. In this case, him accomplishing his goal of creating equality and a layout for others to follow to make their society experience the same results could be his " Win ." To me,m Success is measured by your goal and mindset and in this case, he can be described as successful. Am I wrong?

  2. I agree with Ezekiel, I feel that everybody has the spirit to win and nobody wants to be a loser. Believe it or not these two candidates job is to let us hear what we want so that they could win. I feel that Donald trump supporters are ignorant people who aren't educated and don't know what is right for our country.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. All competitiors have a spirit to win but this is not a a regular competition this is the race for President of the united state.Just because they want to win does that mean they deserve to.

    3. All competitiors have a spirit to win but this is not a a regular competition this is the race for President of the united state.Just because they want to win does that mean they deserve to.

    4. All competitiors have a spirit to win but this is not a a regular competition this is the race for President of the united state.Just because they want to win does that mean they deserve to.

  3. I also agree with what Ezekiel. At this point it's really about telling the people what they want to hear in order to get their votes. As an example Donald Trump says he'd be working with tax-paying undocumented immigrants signaling he may be open to modifying his previous deportation plan

    1. So what does that say about peace in America is it just a bargaining chip for the candidates to get elected.

    2. So what does that say about peace in America is it just a bargaining chip for the candidates to get elected.
