Sunday, October 30, 2016

Its time to decide america

With the election drawing to a close it is time for Americans to make their final decisions . Yes there are some voters who believe strongly that their candidate should be the next president ,there is still a large portion of the population that is still undecided. I can not stress the importance of the voters voice in this election. For those still undecided, I understand that you may not like the choices presented to you but if you are truly concerned about the country you will go out and vote regardless if the candidates are not ideal. To be truthful no candidate can be ideal because they have to represent a large spectrum of people, even voter favorites where disliked by some percentage of the population so this years election would be no different. If the populace really wanted more options they should have invested more into third part candidates, but for now the undecided voters must pick the lesser of two evils. What do you believe the future of politics will look after this election? Will the voters wise up and invest more in better candidates or is this just a preview of what is to come 


  1. The lesser of the two evils argument was also used in Bush v Gore. The future of politics will be bleak if young people do not get involved in local and state elections.

    1. In your opinion is that not a warning sign of the voters bad habits. Again the citizens are left with the "bottom if the barrel"in terms of candidates (atleast in some opinions).So could it be blamed on the younger generation for not being as active as they should be in local and state elections. Or is it possible that some Americans just do not learn and ,despite past mistakes, are not willing to put forth effort in order to improve our country?

    2. I disagree with Ms Harris mainly because even though young people know about the elections and politics, that is not their main focus at the time. This is why i believe that older people are the majority of the votes because they are retired with nothing to do or they choose based on what benefits them or what sounds good. Young people are involved but not to involved to vote

  2. I don't think getting more people to vote will change the election. Who every wins the most electoral votes win the election.

    1. What your essentially telling me is that whoever wins just wins.That in the end it does not matter who votes because someone with be elected regardless. Consider this, the electoral college votes for the candidates that are selected for each party and the party selects their representative based on popularity among the citizens. If we were to simply just avoid voting altogether would that not disrupt the system and in turn make the opinions of the voters weak.In your opinion why do you believe it does not matter wether or not some people vote?

    2. I don't think not voting would make a difference there is no altogether the system wouldn't get destroyed. The only thing is who has the most votes at the end weather by 1 or 100 he or she will be our 45th president

    3. I believe it does matter who and how many people votes for the simple fact that the 18-20 year olds that are introducing themselves to politics at this young age can possible be the next D.A or senator and it will be a great experience to see what the people want and how far are the willing to go for their beliefs such as the immigration problem trump speaks about, building a wall is not a "bad idea" but lets be honest Latinos are not the only immigrants but some radicals see other wise

  3. Do you feel like there a side that is better than another? From what many are saying we have a "double edged blade" this year, that no matter which said wins the turn out will not help.
