Sunday, May 7, 2017

Another US citizen detained in North Korea

North Korea has detained another U.S. Citizen again. This time the citizen was detained on suspicion of hostile acts against the regime. Kim Hak-song was described as "a man who was doing business in relation to the operation  of Pyoongyang University of Science and Technology" by the regime. The state-run Korean News Agency said that the American was detained Saturday, but didn't release any more information on this alleged crime. There are 3 others detained in North Korea right now. Otto Warmbier, a University of Virginia student, was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in 2016 for removing a political sign. Kim Sang Duk, also known as Tony Kim, a university professor, was detained in Pyongyang in 2017 and accused of attempting to overthrow the government. Kim Dong Chul, the president of a company involved in international trade and hotel services, was arrested in 2015 and is serving 10 years on espionage charges. The relevant authority is currently conducting a detailed investigation into his crime. It seems to me as if North Korea is prejudice against 
U.S. Citizens. This reminds me of a discussion we were having in class about foreign affairs and its effects. The question that was proposed was "What would happen if you commit a crime in a nonnative country and how does that effect the relationship between the two countries?" I personally think that this situation will cause some major conflict between North Korea and the U.S. especially when we have 45 as president. Who do you think? Is this an detrimental situation for the U.S.? Can this stir up enough conflict to possibly start a war? How can the U.S. Dissolve this situation?


  1. Should citizens go to countries where our diplomatic relations are on shaky ground? You already have to respect the laws of any nation you visit. Are visitors being targeted by N. Korea or are they really breaking their laws? And futhermore, should the US be obligated to try to get you released if you know this country is hostile to the US?

  2. What I want to know is what is America doing to get these people out of north korea. another thing is how would they feel if americans start detaining their people. this looks like they want to start conflict with america, but are the people ready for another war.

  3. I think that citizens shouldn't attend countries where things are shaky. If anything was to happen it's hard to get american citizens out of a situation that is in a foreign country. Yes the US is definitely obligated to get you out of a situation with a foreign country because if you pay taxes your basically paying for protection.I feel like North Korea is doing things like this to try to make
    America have a reason to participate in a war with them.I know thats stupid but the leadership in that country is very questionable.What do you think the US should do about this problem ?

  4. This made me question a lot because throughout the years I always believed that you were entitled to get a lawyer from the United States to help you if you get into trouble, these crimes do not match the sentence. 15 years for pulling off a poster ? That is honestly ridiculous. I believe they are just trying to protect their home from invaders. If I was a super power, I wouldn't like other people near me. I agree with Kenigh's point because the world is looking at our every move more than ever and if a few educated indivuals go over there it can be seen as they want to gain access to something

    -Kevin Aquino

  5. Students or people in general should not be prohibited from traveling to other countries even in times of increased tension. It is true that there is a high risk, however, we should not be robbed of an experience. Also, I believe that preventing travel to these countries would increase tensions between Our country and citizens. Not interacting and letting tensions build is not the right way to go. If we continue down this path we will start a war in no time.

  6. I don't really feel like there is anything American can/should do for the people detained in North Korea. Any further action could be seen as hostile and unnecessary. If foreigners were just able to go commit crimes abroad and then return home when things took a turn for the worst then terrorism would practically be legal. Travelers need to take in consideration the dangers that come with traveling abroad and move accordingly.
