Monday, May 29, 2017

Christian-Backed School Teaches Scions of The Elite in Atheist North Korea

America has had tension with the United States for decades. This article only further shows how serious this tension is, and how it hinders any future relationships. The article shows us the roots of this hatred and the problems that it creates. In North Korea there is a school where the teachers are american and not atheist. These teachers are forced to follow certain rules, and are not allowed to teach or enforce any religion. Although the teachers follow these guidelines, it does not stop conflict from surfacing. In the past month, two teachers were arrested and deported because of hostile acts. They were accused of breaking the rules and teaching religion. One of the teachers was seen showing a student a bible. The other was a Christian pastor.I believe that Americans should stay out of North Korea. The article mentions that there was no actual evidence that these teachers were violating any rules on campus. I believe that because North Koreans feel threatened by their presence, they were deported. In the article, it says that the students say that they are taught to fear and hate american people. Yet, as they got to know their teachers, they realized that they hate our government and not us. However, we should not step foot in a country where we are hated. Their government is teaching its people what they want to. Therefore we should attempt to teach religion to them, especially an atheist country. This country is not in any position to accept change. Although there are Americans that enter Korea with good intentions, our conflict prevents people from seeing past the hatred. Instead they accuse us of being spies and deport us whenever they feel we have violated their laws. Maybe there should be a policy created that will prevent people from traveling to those countries. It would not be a solution to our problems, but it will prevent Americans from suffering at the hands of the Korean government.Do you feel there should be a policy that prevents travel to countries with increased tension? Do You think we should continue to travel to this country with hopes that they will change their views and opinions?


  1. to answer your first question, i think not because there are people who want to explore and see new places. The people that go there should know that there is tension. To answer your other question, I dont think that their views are ever going to change because america and north korea have been i a disagreement for a very long time and i dont think that anything will change that.

  2. I feel that maybe we should prevent travel to North Korea. Preventing travel to North Korea would Be a good thing because obviously they hate us and for the people's safety is more important.I think that we should try to come up with a policy that is going to stop them from oppressing Americans.

  3. I agree with Ezekiel. I feel that banning travel to countries that America has tense relations with is just not necessary. The reason why I feel this way is because people could have family there or some other reason to go. Instead America needs to focus on informing travelers of the many dangers that come with going to said foreign place. I feel like people have an idea of how dangerous but they are not fully informed so they make irrational decisions. Instead of just outright making the decisions for the American population, the government should focus on informing them in better ways so the majority of people can make better decisions. This could also possibly free america from feeling obligated to help the person because it was their choice that they made with full knowledge of the possible repercussions.

    1. Also I do not really feel as though traveling to foreign countries or not traveling to foreign countries will cause the countries themselves to change. I feel like as a nation, whether or not we agree with their policies should not really be so much of an issue. All we really can do is respect their practices the same way we would want them to respect ours

  4. Personally I disagree where you said "we should go over there and teach them religion". First off saying that is very unspecific and on top of that us going over there to teach them religion would most likely translate into us forcing our own religion upon them. That's basically what Europeans did with Christianity so I don't see how you can think that would be a good idea. Secondly I think that if their country is teaching them hate then it is up to the people to explore to find out that hate is in some places not really truthful. I feel like your argument is kind of us just going over there to teach them our religion and make them "love us" just so that tensions could cease between our two countries. That in itself could be seen as disrespectful which wouldn't really help simmer the hatered they have for us. However I do think that in a country like this if there is clear evidence that United States citizens are not welcomed well then we should not allow travel because we would just be letting our own people put themselves in danger. Honestly with hatred being taught it will be up to the people to see through it instead of us forcefully making them see what we do.

  5. I agree with Isaiah.
    Just because we have religion and they don't doesn't mean that they are evil. I don't blame other countries for hating us. Name one place where America tried to "influence" and it wound up exploiting the people and their culture. I think the last thing another country wants is US intervention. I don't believe that the U.S. is innocent and we must want something if you continue to put the spotlight on them. They are a super power, have resources and are anti American. Of course they are hesitant about western culture because usually if a country has at least one, of those countries thats where we go after.
