Sunday, May 14, 2017

Senators push Trump not to choose a political figure to head FBI

Trump has had a rough first 100 days of his presidency. He just doesn't know how to take the media's attention off of him. All he does is add on to the issues that he causes by himself.This past week he fired the FBI director. This had sparked many questions and made people think that there was a reason why he would do such a thing out of the blue. One reason people believe that the FBI director was fired because he was the one that is investigating the story behind russia interfering with the election. I feel that trump should be wise about who he places in the position of FBI director. I feel that if he places somebody with credentials that doesn't live up to that position the media will come up with all these theories and reasons why he did that. Also I feel that the Democrats are asking great questions when they talk about what was the reason for doing that. Democrats should definitely try and challenge who he try to appoint. Knowing trump he will probably try to appoint someone that has 0 experience.Why do you guys think Trump fired the FBI agent? Should the new FBI director have lots of experience ? Or do you feel that it's appropriate to have a airhead in that place of power?


  1. Me & Harris was talking was talking about this. The FBI Director didn't know that he was fired. He found out through the news. I cant believe that he would fire someone that was helping him with Hillary's email scheme, from my understand they are searching trump and his ties with Russia and maybe trump did not want them to find anything yet He might appoint someone that is easy to control. I don't think the term "airhead" is appropriate because he does a lot of things with the mindset of a business owner. We cannot complain about anything he does without knowing his plan behind it. Theres some things that he has done that were pointless for example the bombing a few weeks ago. It made the whole world rumble.

  2. I feel like he was fired based off the fact things started to hit the fan. It seems as things start to fold on him and push him into a corner, he tends to redirect the attention elsewhere. One reason I believe media eats it up is because he is still seen as celebrity and carries himself as one. In some cases, responding to issues on Twitter instead of speaking to the public or the masses could be another reason. I do agree with the fact Demo. should continue to challenge him and demand the pent FBI placement be someone with the credentials and potential to run the program successfully.

  3. Me personally, I believe Trump did not make that decision by himself. He has to have some type of outside influence and when I say outside I am talking about the vice president and his cabinet members. If you noticed Trump gets a lot of media attention but where is the vice president. The media does not cover or talk about him or the presidents cabinet members. To me it seems like Trump is a puppet and they might be the people influencing his actions. But this is just another one of Trumps actions that are not sitting well with the people.

  4. I disagree with what hes doing with his time in office. I dont think that he should be allowed to do such a thing. That person rightfully earned his spot to be in the position that he was in. If its anyone that should be fired is trump. As you stated, he tends to make more issues on top of preexisting problems. Im pretty sure there are people out there who regrets voting for him now. Who ever he picks to be the new head of the fbi better be the best there is because he should be focusing on political things not peoples lives.
