Sunday, May 21, 2017

Trump, Shouting ‘Death Spiral,’ Has Nudged Affordable Care Act Downward

This all started with a tweet from Trump yelling out "Death Spiral" after the announcement of pulling pout the affordable care act. Trump later goes on to say how  “Obamacare continues to fail.” on twitter as a response to hearing about  Humana announced plans to leave all the health law’s marketplaces next year. This article then talks about the Trump administration and its refusal to guarantee payment of subsidies to health insurance companies. I feel like the trump administration  should come up with a way to improve health care especially with all the trash being talked about Obamacare. The administration’s refusal to guarantee payment of subsidies to health insurance companies, the murky outlook for the Affordable Care Act in Congress and doubts about enforcement of the mandate for most people to have insurance are driving up insurance prices for 2018, insurers say in rate requests filed with state officials. With whats going on with today's health care system it would be nice if our government could have a plan to keep the poor healthy and so that the rich wont be the only ones benefiting from our new health care system being implemented.  what do you think about whats going on with the trump administration an d our new health care? is it good bad can it be fixed? what will be the end game?


  1. I do agree Eric. ObamaCare isn't perfect however it was a policy put in place to help millions of Americans that were using it. Trump continues to bad mouth a health care act yet he isn't able to provide a sufficient replacement for the so called disastrous OBAMACARE. Republicans are always saying how bad it is they have no plan.
    Even if they don't have a concrete plan, making the government draw back on its subsides impacts all Americans. I believe ObamaCare should stay in place for the time being especially if the new president doesn't have a gamelan

    1. Yes it's really stupid what's going on if only Trump would come up with a better plan that doesn't leave anyone ( particularly the non wealthy American) screwed over in the long run. As the next president you gotta be less talk and more action. He needs to put some thing into play fast. And If he doesn't make things better hopefully he could step down from office.
