Sunday, May 21, 2017

Trumps new attitude

In the article, it speaks about trumps latest visit to Saudi, Arabia while he was over there he seemed to be a different man. Someone who knows what their doing. He spoke to many leaders over there and told them what was the issue that he believed and what needs to be done. During his visit he spoke in a decent manner. This shows everything that has been happening obviously was part of a plan Trump had. Many people wouldn't have expected that four months into his term President Donald Trump would find himself addressing a room of Muslim leaders .In a major address Sunday to the leaders of 50 nations where Islam is the predominant faith, Trump veered closer than ever to the establishment views of American influence abroad, a sharp and jarring break for a man whose campaign was built upon uncensored language about America's security and role in the world.

"I stand before you as a representative of the American people to deliver a message of friendship and hope and love," Trump said. "Our vision is one of peace, security and prosperity in this region and all throughout the world. Our goal is a coalition of nations who share the aim of stamping out extremism and providing our children a hopeful future that does honor to God." - these words spoke out to me. It changed my view on him not because it sounds right but because he shows a level of maturity that i did not have for him. What do you feel about trumps efforts to bring peace to muslim countries? Does your view on him change in anyway ? What  do you think 
made him change?



  1. Personally I have been believing that all Trump has done is an act to please the racist pro America demographic he appeals to. He got elected by pleasing them and feeding into their beliefs which was his strategy to be put into the position of president. Now since he is able to run this country which he sees as a business he has to do what he can to keep the business afloat. So this move he has taken is to make the connections he needs in order to benefit his business.

    1. yes he got elected by pleasing them but they also did not support him after the first 50 days. While he does what he wants he is losing all the support he started with

  2. I find this interesting because it shows some type of growth. It could be a cover up because one speech to the minority community doesn't mean he's changing. He could just be satisfying the media. One thing that is notable from this is the fact that he addressed a foreign nation and did so with some respect. It seems that he is trying to establish some type of bond with a foreign place for once , instead of tearing all of our ties down.

    1. I personally feel like this is a sign of growth. The reason why I say that is because usually growth is something that is more gradual. For a long time now trump has expressed bigoted views about many things/topics including Muslims. A person like trump usually has these ideas and opinions deeply rooted; its for this reason that I feel like he did not just change out of the blue. It is possible and likely that he is just trying to raise his own public opinion. I feel like it's also possible that someone else could be pulling the strings now because trump has shown signs of inexperience on multiple occasions.

  3. Trump Reaching out to foreign muslims leaders only makes his only makes his image look good; but it could be a set up to make his image look good. I say this everyone knows how trump feels about muslims and how could any mulsim even stand him, so i think trump is bribing them with his money so his image could look better in the muslim community if he really had respect he would get rid of the muslim ban. My view of him doesnt change at all, it makes me dislilke him even more

  4. This is still the same Trump we are used to seeing, but he was acting more gracous because he wants to have more exports. One of Trump's plans was to increase American products to distribute to other nations which in actually isn't a bad idea (hoping that they don't cut back on regulations) . This isn't a peaceful effort, but an effort to make an America a power house of exports.

    1. His plan is fine but with everything that is happening is ruining the way the world looks at him

  5. Trump is still the racist mysoginistic person we know it's been diluted for buisseness purposes.

  6. I believe that Trump has not changed at all. he is just adjusting his attitude and demeanor so that he will not spark a situation. It takes along time to break bad habits or even to replace previous ideals and beliefs with new ones. I do not think Trump was showing maturity but was covering up who he really is. For example, there are students in Eagle that act a cewrtain way around teachers who they know are tough or watch their every moves. Then as soon as that educator is gone, their entire behavior changes, usually for the worst. In order for me to change any opinion I have about Trump, I would need to see consecutive cases where Trump displayed this specific type of behavior. Other than that, Im not buying it.

  7. I'm very proud of trump and how he has been conducting himself on this trip. I feel that everything else he does is for the media and so people can gossip and talk about him .i wouldn't quite say he has changed but I'll say that he is trying new methods to get his point across or to get what he wants .would you rather him act the way he used to act .
