Monday, May 8, 2017

Republicans Are Messing With A Major Source of Jobs

This article speaks about how the new health care bill will affect jobs in America. In the article it states how Obamacare provided more funding into healthcare. With more funding more jobs were able to be created for those who could provide that health care. This means doctors, nurses, or any other healthcare providers had more jobs created for them. Under the Obamacare or the Affordable Health Care Act people were able to make up to approximately $56,000 a year. With this new healthcare bill funding will be cut by $60 billion which means so will the income of those health care providers. Not only will the salaries of the workers decrease but if there is less funding then companies won't be able to hire as much so there will be less jobs and less working people able to help with the health of those who need it. This was an issue that was stated in the article about the dive in employment in some areas if there is less funding to healthcare. Personally I think this will completely blow up in the Republicans face. It seems as though this bill is hurting people who need affordable health care a lot. If you aren't someone who is rich and can pay for their own personal doctors and nurses then you won't be helped as well under this bill. It makes no sense that something as basic as the health of the people is in jeopardy. I think once this is officially passed we will have to wait and see how hard it hits the public. Hopefully it doesn't have the impact that people are saying it will but what do you guys think about this new health care bill? What are your opinions on Trumps new act or Trumpcare?


  1. I agree with the statement that this will blow up in Trumps face because trump supporters do not fit into any category of "rich". This hurts people who really cannot this new health care and then on top of that this is going to take away a lot of jobs. This plan does not lead to any benefit for anyone in my opinion, this will stress more people out. Then since companies will be losing a lot of their money people will be fired and less will be hired. I will be happy to see Trump get out of office and this might be the way to do it. But this can be a way for Trump to trick us and try to get on our good side. I see that happening because he may try to lower our standards for him or just try to get on our bad side. But maybe he is just plotting for a major comeback. To do something so big or create a new healthcare better than ever. Honestly, I just hope the people see the negatives he is bringing to us as a people.

    1. I agree when you say how his followers don't fit into his target area of rich. People aren't realizing the bad he is doing to them but still support him because of the hateful things he may say or the "For America" things he says. Once people are cut off from affordable health care then and only then will they realize he doesn't care for them and maybe they will stop supporting him.

  2. Healthcare seems to be one of the biggest things when it comes to a new president. Now we can all agree that we dont like Trump in office and that he doesnt know what hes doing. Trump is a rich white guy in office who doesnt care about the people who dont have jobs and would have a bad time paying for medicare aka people who not Trump and middle class and upper class people. In my opinion i think that all he cares about is his people. As long as their okay he doent care about anything else. Who ever voted for trump is a bunch of idiots and now they can see his true decisions and intentions.

  3. I believe he hasn't throught it through because now a bunch of people do not have jobs and if he thought he would be hurting minorities he was very mistaken. He hurt many of his supporters the poor white people who live in trailers are now having less money to pay for the little they have and less opportunities to get a cheap Medical treatment for them or their kids

    1. Do you think the poor white people that support him now are just there because of the hateful ideas he kinda spreads? By now it should be obvious that he doesn't represent the poor side of America and neither does any of his administration. This might just expose how hateful some people are if they support more of the hate than their own survival. People bashed Obama's healthcare act even tho it helped the poor but he was a black man now a rich white man proposes a new healthcare act that doesn't benefit the poor so much and yet some of them still stand behind him.

  4. I think that Donald Trump feels that he needs to make a name for himself. He obviously doesn't have the country's best interest at heart. If he did he would see that Obamacare is good and has a positive effect. He should learn from Obama and other presidents rather than trying to make his own path. He should learn from the other presidents' mistakes. He makes his decisions blindly and has no foresight.

  5. At this point, I believe that the Republican Party is trying to prove a point. They have no method behind what they are doing. It is true that the Republican Party does not represent poor or middle class citizens. They obviously want to erase what Obama has already done by getting rid of the affordable care act. It just shows that we are not in a post racial America. Trump and his team fail to realize that their health care plan can affect everyone. It benefits no specific demographic. Being spiteful is ruining our country and making our lives harder.

    1. I agree with this. Whenever a different party gets in office they always want to mold it to match their own because of party polarization. All replacing the affordable care act does is take out the democratic aspects and put in republican ones. I feel like if each party focused on adding on new things rather than replacing or overriding the old ones, a lot more would get done.

  6. its crazy how people continue to support him with out knowing they will get screed over in the long run. people dont see this bill is hurting people who need it. maybe this is a way for republicans and the rich to get rid of the poor by having them die off because they are not able to pay for health care. thats just my thought.

  7. I agree with Jurelle when he says that this will affect the trump supporters that are not part of the rich category. People are oblivious to the cost and how much it will actually cost to pay for healthcare.i also agree with zeke when he says trump is just trying to help is people because he continuously supports bills that will directly affect the lower class and only benefit the upper class. Do you think trump will be impeached.

  8. We have been highly anticipating a new healthcare act. The president has said that he will change healthcare and the system. However, from what we have seen Trump isn't really changing anything just taking something out in ObamaCare. Now we are seeing the negative impacts it has on people not only for their health but jobs may be affected. I believe Republicans are attacking ObamaCare for the wrong reasons and not thinking about the people that they are supposed to help.
