Sunday, March 11, 2018

Banned from snow?

A school in Britain has banned their students from touching snow. Their reasoning is that kids usually have snowball fights for fun, but these fights can also be dangerous. They believe there can be rocks and or grit in the snow, and this can hurt the children. The principal of the school, Ges Smith also states that the snow can make kids wet and “unfit for school”. Although it can possibly be dangerous, I don’t think completely banning the touching of snow was the way to go. All kids have snowball fights, and yes sometimes kids get hurt while having fun. However, that is life. Kids should be able to live and learn and have fun. What do you think? Did Smith overact by banning the touching of snow? Or were his reasons just?


  1. O think that it was okay to ban the touching of snow in this case because it shows how the government can nurture its people in this case the kids because it shows that they care about the people in there country. I feel that this kind of mentality other governments should go by because it shows that the government cares about the safety of its people. You can connect this to the United States on gun control with school shooting my question is what have they done to fix this problem? This is why I feel that other governments should adopt this mentality.

    1. I agree that other governments should have this mentality. I suppose it’s the right thing to do if they’re trying to protect their people. However, I feel as though gun control and banning snow are on two different levels. The government should focus on more serious issues instead of beating around the bush.

  2. I think that it was kind of rash to ban the touching if snow completely. When it snows it is meant to be fun time and every kid just wants to have fun. Its hard to not touch something that is all around you

  3. I think that completely banning snow is a bit absurd. Instead they could have warned the children to not touch the snow when they get out of school. Also for the children being unfit for school if they are wet that shouldn't really contribute to banning snow. They did over react to such a small situation. Although it can be argued that the potential of accidentally mixing a rock into the snow is a possibility.

  4. In my opinion,the order for kids to not touch the snow is outrageous. Children usually find it fun to play in the snow so why should they be restricted. It may seem like it is to protect the children of Britain, but they have know right to deny someone of something so harmless. Things like this are seen in many governments as dictatorships because societies are run by powerful forces who restrict people from enjoying whatever they see fit and taking their god given right to do so. This order from the school should be revoked.
