Sunday, March 18, 2018

FBI Deputy Director Fired

Recently, Andrew McCabe was fired from his position as the FBI Deputy Director as of Friday, March 16. He was fired due to being accused of misleading investigators and failure to disclose information between F.B.I officials. In other words, he was for fired for a failure to answer questions he took an oath he would answer. During this event, President Donald Trump had made McCabe a victim of scorn and mockery. He continuously degraded McCabe for treason and continuously pestered him and urged for him to be fired. Subsequently, McCabe was fired and apparently two days before his retirement. His retirement was denied by Attorney Jeff Sessions. Even after his retirement, he was still pestered by Trump. Trump posted on his Twitter "Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - A great day for Democracy, "Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!" In my opinion, this act against McCabe was morally wrong. He served his country, and yet he was denied the compensation he deserved. It is unknown why he refused to the questions he was asked but no one deserved the torment and humiliation dealt by the officials and the man called the President of The United States. What are your thoughts on this situation? Do you think the decision of him being fired was justified? Also, Do you think Trump's actions were justified or do you think his actions were cruel and unfair?


  1. I think Trumps actions were justified to a certain extent. If the accusations were true and he really was committing treason, then of course there should be a consequence. However, pestering someone and urging them to be fired is very unprofessional and I see Trump still hasn’t completely changed his ways. I think McCabe should’ve been given his retirement because he still worked for the U.S. Its only right that he gets the treatment he deserves.

  2. My thoughts on this situation is that it shows how our government is failing as a whole because as an F.B.I director you are well informed of the protocols that you must accept and execute. Although the knew all of the corruption in the government at a high level he had the opportunity to shave down the corruption in the government to make it beneficial for all. I do think that him being fired was the right thing because he is holding down the government by not giving the truth,lastly I think trumps actions showed that he was happy trying to push for him to get fired because he may of had dirt on trump that trump is worried about getting out to the public. Things like this effect the government because it shows that the government for its true colors which is corruption which no one will ever come out to say anything.

  3. I feel both people were wrong, they should of never did what they did but it happened. McCabe didn’t deserve all they harassment he got but not doing his job right he should be fired. As a man who took and oath he needs to live by it and do whatever he said in that oath. This also applies for president Trump, he took and oath and they actions he’s taking doesn’t look like a man who took an oath. He looks like an angry American who wants everyone out of America that doesn’t help America grow. He doesn’t look like the president who should be handling this situation a whole lot better. This man McCabe doesn’t deserve everything he got and Trump is wrong for the harassment but both these men are wrong for what they did.

    1. I will admit that there should be consequences for McCabe's actions, like you said, but to fire a man before his retirement, his compensation for his long term work served in America, is low. They should jave recognized the person he was and gave him the benefit of the doubt with only two days left. The way I see it, if we have a president who would stoop so low as to urgw for a man to lose his retirement and celebrate about it, then what's to stop him from doing even more heinous things. This just shows to go that a change needs to happen now before another situation occurs with someone else.
