Sunday, March 25, 2018

Unions in Trouble

Due to work slowdowns, strikes and picket lines in its arsenal, membership in workplace unions has plunged over the last few decades, particularly in public-sector jobs. Over the past years labor unions members were above 30% in the 1970’s but recently it has decreased to less than 10% effectively making it harder for unions to stay afloat during voting tolls. The Supreme Court is also standing against labor unions making it harder for employees to work in their unions. “If, as expected, the Supreme Court strikes down so-called "fair-share" laws that fund collective bargaining for all employees, and as more states pass laws that eliminate unions as a workplace option, employees are taking to the streets to demand what they want, bypassing union leadership and negotiations with management in the process.” Unions have begun to lose their past amount of interest and has now become even more endangered. This could also lead to the further downfall of labor unions as the more they fight the less people will want to work in unions.

I agree with the author about labor unions entering a downfall because even if they tried to go to court I don’t think it would go well for them since they are also against them. But since picketing is causing an uproar within the unions what would be another way? For me I think they could try and bring these issues up to the executive branches or even through  social media where it could gain a large amount of traction.


  1. This is a real rough situation because these labor unions are needed. Without them workers would be unprotected and their bosses can do whatever they want. I am not completely sure what they can do but i like the idea of spreading the word about this in social media and other places

  2. These different labor unions have some need, but at the same time with people coming to with their problems something is wrong. A change is probably needed to be had within the unions before any outside needs is meet. This can not only effect people in the unions but then start to sway people outside of it like the courts. With this in mind I feel these changes should be made and then they try to get to courts. Also if the courts deny them then they should go to higher powers to get different results.

  3. I think the unions should bring it up to the specific agencies in the the executive branches because i feel it is the only way to gain notice. Also I feel that this is very troublesome for the government because it shows how people over look labor unions after all the problems that happen.

  4. Labor Unions shouldn't be eliminated because the people need a way to express their needs in the workplace. I feel that if the picketings started the uproar, then maybe other labor unions like sit-ins would be less violent in the effort to raise awareness about the people and their needs in the workforce.

  5. I totally agree with the authors point of view of on the story. I think that if the labor unions begin to go the big companies will begin to take advantage of the workers. The simple fact is that the unions are the people who stand up for their members when somethings not right. I just think that the best way to get traction would be to go to the media outlets.
