Sunday, March 25, 2018

Mass, March Madness

The march for our lives rally that took place on saturday had a much meaning than just the parkland shooting. Many students involved in the march, especially students of color in the U.S. wanted to change the violence they see in their own neighborhoods and communities. No one has focused especially on this topic so they took the opportunity to integrate it into this. 16 year old Kaiseona Lockhart said “ They’re trying to say that mass shootings and shootings, they don’t Connect, but in reality they both happen by a gun”. This specific mass shooting has been seen as having more staying power and its because of students who survived the parkland shooting. Although this was focused around mass shootings that isn’t the only situation revolving around gun-deaths. A study was conducted and it found roughly 1,077 people have been killed in mass shootings since 1966, 176 of them children and teenagers. In 2017 itself, chicago nearly had 3,000 shooting incidents, snd 3,457 shooting victims. Between 2006 and 2015 , more than 14,500 people were shot in philadelphia, a rate of one shooting evry sox hours (which is insane). Many are calling for more strict gun laws Black lives matter groups, the march for our lives rally participants etc. and haven’t gotten what they deserve. They have gained tiny achievements in the gun control movement, Florida state legislature passed new firearm regulations and Trump signed a bill on Friday that helped to move forward to better laws like the Fix Nics Act which helps with better background checks for gun purchases. Many have also been calling continuously for a ban on assault weapons specifically AR-15’s that were present in the recent mass shootings. Something the March organizers  had on their agenda could reduce gun violence immensely. Their plan was to make it so anyone privately purchasing guns had to be subjected to a background check. This wasn’t  something to just protect white kids in white neighborhoods, this helped everyone could be potential victims.
       This article helps to give light to so much more than just the recent mass-shootings but the daily or weekly shootings that kids see everyday on their block or in the community in general and can’t escape it cause they have nowhere else to go.  These mass shootimgs have become a very controversial topic and a real problem-in the united states as of late and seem to be unpredictable  as to where could be hit next. One thing that struck me as problematic is why does this specific mass shooting have staying power and what makes it so much more in depth than the others that peopel wanna talk about it. Getting better gun control laws are always a main focus of these articles or whenever anyone talks about them and the main contributor to mass shootings in general. If someone has such easy access to purchasing a gun with no trace back to them or  at a private show and if they have the intent to commit an act like these they have all the tools to do it. Do you believe that gun control laws are the only factor to helping stop mass shotings or is there an even better way to prevent this? Personally I do see more strict gun control laws being the only way because without guns there is no mass shootingsand there can’t be any mass stabbings cause that would be dumb.


  1. I understand that you want to pass a law to make it harder to get guns in the future, but what are you going to do about those who already own these firearms? Do you just let them be or will there be some type of repremanding? This is a very touchy subject and it’s confusing because you can always help make it harder going forward but it's hard to change the past

  2. I think that if we have more gun control laws we could feel a bit more safer than usual because we have experience multiple mass shooting and the changes made were as effective so we have to play catch up with everyone to make sure their no threats in anyone's neighborhood. If we didn't have guns we would be focusing on other problems instead of worrying about if my child could be the next victim or the next shooter. I saw bring more laws but we can be strict as we want but the 2nd amendment is always somebody back up excuse that until that your child on the news. We need stricter backround checks, limited weapons and, harsh punishments to whoever doesn't follow our rules of safety.

  3. Guns need to more strict for both school and public safety. In places like Chicago were gun shootings is at a high rate making these guns laws tighter can make a big difference. But also besides changing gun laws they need to also put a look on people selling guns. Nobody really looks at people selling these guns in these stores and they can be another problem. If you give a new look to how people have to sell them you can possibly get corrupt people selling these guns. In conclusion changing gun laws and changing the people selling them are the way to change all these gun crimes.

  4. The U.S.A has suffered enough from the recent mass shootings. Whether its been the Las Vegas Shootings, school shootings, and or even one shooting in a run down neighborhood, the violence need to stop. I would say to prevent mass shootings would also require more security in the areas of danger.If there is more security in schools, we would have a better chance of safety in schools. Furthermore, I would help if the children who start the shootings were helped out more. A child can be going through a lot of emotional trauma like bullying or the feeling of being alone and they resort to shooting out of anger. To prevent such actions, it would help us to take the time and show support to the kid and let them know that we care. Finally, I would say that changing the guns laws would be the right action. If the purchase of guns were lowered, the rate of shootings would step and with more background checks, we can determine who recieves the guns and know if the gun is in the right hands. A lot of action must be taken to protect the people.

  5. I do not think it will make a big change that everyone think it will be because there are still underhand ways to get things that are far greater and dangerous than buying guns that the government needs to regulate and besides making gun control laws is a sticky situation because how would the government regulate people who already have guns and is registered under the state and under there name.I agree with people when they say that there needs to be gun control laws but i also feel that laws will never be made because of the NRA and the strong influence on the government.

  6. I believe that the politicians and law maker don't really care about the students being affected by the school shootings. I think they don't care because it dosent really affect them directly. Its like every one is trying to avoid the situation by saying that 'guns don't kill people, people kill people'. But the common denominator is the guns. The only real change that we has a people can do is try to push the agenda to were everyone is concerned about guns. Are we could have stricter gun laws so that the process is much greater.
