Sunday, March 4, 2018

Growing Pains?!?

      It is said that being a president of a superpower of a country is a tough job to have. This is true as we can visibly see the toll that this job has on people. With Trump we can’t see it as much as we can feel it. His change is more emotional. Reporters say that being the president has had a huge mental affect on Trump and he is slowly breaking down. He has increasingly become more and more emotionally unstable to the point where anything said about him can be seen as a threat towards him. They also say that the more pressure that is put on him, the more he feels the need to isolate himself. He has been making tons of rash decisions and in the minds of his peers is becoming unhinged. He is doing things like making huge plays on bills and signing them without consulting his advisory groups, letting people into the White House without backround checks and screenings and plenty of other things. His peers are growing worrysome and fear that his play on the steel and aluminum tariffs are going to somehow dwindle the economy and cause issues with foreign nations.

      In my analysis, I believe that Trump is making the moves that he should have always been making as president. I also think that his peers are starting to criticize him because he is making moves that he wouldn’t have normally considered. He even had an interview with the NRA passively aggressively attacking them and the second amendment as the cause of the school shootings going on and other mass killings. I wouldn’t say that Trump is totally changing for the good but what I am saying is that when he does make a good move the media will still attempt to find a way to villainize him. Let me know your thoughts. Why do you think it is that the media is trying to keep Trump in a certain light? This is a huge changing point for the country because the current extreme moves that Trump is tying to make all have reasons behind it, valid reasons I might add. He wants a tariff on aluminum and steel because if you guys have forgotten, America is still in debt. He is attacking the NRA and 2nd amendment because our schools are no longer safe. If he can make the right moves and pass a good law or two, this can change our government forever.

'This is not going to end well': Trump's friends and allies are worried he's spiraling out of control — and they say this time is different - Business Insider


  1. In the media it’s their jobs to bring out stories or news people want to hear and majority of people want Trump to fail. With not a lot of people actually liking Trump more people want him to fail and want to see it. This brings in what the media wants and that’s the people to read and buy their stories or “news”. I also can’t truly trek if his actions are out of context or not. Trump has made some crazy decisions but for ones that actually help America how do his friends say that’s not him. If those actions come from another “Trump” I rather see this Trump more than the other one due to how he standing up against things that need to be and how he’s making more changes in the positive direction.

    1. To me this just shows how powerful the media could really be. This just shows that maybe president trump was not prepared for this job and the toll it has.

  2. The media just wants to tell the people about their pesident and what he's doing. It makes it hard for Trump to do anything if he being watched everywhere he goes so he can't make harsh decisions. However basedon his personality that does change who he is he gonna do what ever he see fit that helps the country. I personally dont think that the media is wrong the people see you as our leader and we have to depend on him.

    1. I was just saying that tge media has tons of power in this line of work and can really put a lot of pressure on someone. This seems as though it was just a little bit too much for trump

  3. I too believe that trump is somewhat making the right moves. I think he’s still going to be himself and have his tendencies but he’s made a few right choices. As far as media goes I think it depends on who is giving the information. Some media sources give info as well as try to give it in a way where it gives their opinions too, then there’s others where they give the info without being biased. But I think as long as trump makes wise choices people will appreciate that.

  4. As much as I agree with going against Trump when he's standing up for those who are victims of these horrible events I think he should get his credit when it's though. But this doesn't excuse his previous actions which may also be why the media won't let up. Hopefully he'll continue to improve in the future and actually help this country into a better age.
