Sunday, March 11, 2018

Trump’s crack down on school violence

In recent trading times there has been a spree of school shootings and many have died from them. Due to these events Trump is trying to pass laws to make change for the safety of the kids and adults. Trump has sat down and spoke with different families of victims and members of the NRA and lawmakers to come to find out what would be needed to lessen this problem. In these meetings Trump has advocated for aiming teachers and faculty in schools to be prepared and armed to shut down situations like this. While democratics and teachers union don’t agree with this he stands by this, but also has other options in plan. He also plans for optional class for teachers and faculty to take to be able to see signs of this before they get to far that people get hurt. Besides cracking down on school disasters he also is trying to change laws as well. In the process he is planning on changing the age requirement for people to possess guns. He is also trying to have universal background checks on all people not just people with licenses. The NRA is not agreeing won th this but Trump is advocating for this to the Congress. Do you agree with teachers being armed in schools with guns or should they just be prepared to see the signs? I say they should be prepared for the signs instead of more guns in schools. Also should gun requirement be changed and universal to all people?,amp.html


  1. I agree with you but I also feel that things like this it is but so much you can be prepared for, also I think the big problem with gun laws in America is that the NRA has a tight grip on the government when it comes to gun control. Also I believe that the people in government as scared to step on the toes of NRA because they are the biggest endorsement that the government has. Lastly I feel that the government should kick out all of these private companies and organizations from having a high influence on government.

  2. He should continue to change the requirements to be able to purchase a firearm. This is a good idea and will make it possible for only the responsible can own a gun. The only thing that i disagree with is the whole tracher owning a gun thing. You should never have a gun in a classroom setting. A child can get a hold of your gun while you aren’t looking or anytbing. There was recently a case where a teacher injured a child saying the gun was accidentally fired. Get rid of the teacher with gun law

  3. I'm a little torn on this because I do understand that more guns in school won't help, but when someone does pull a gun out in class the teacher must have a way to combat against the situation. I think that the security guards should have it but have them locked away to be used in extreme circumstances. Its good that he's trying to work with the teacher unions and the parents to make the age for guns higher with stricter background checks.

    1. I agree this conflict is a hard one and being in this situation is different from hearing about it. I personally do not want guns in schools but something needs to change about it. More things are being down to do so i'm so happy that its happening now.

  4. There are a number of thing I agree with and disagree with. First, I don't support the idea of arming teachers with guns. Having guns in schools is what starts the problem. For instance, a teacher has a gun in the classroom and say he leaves his room, then what happens when a a child takes the gun not knowing what it is or a teenage takes the gun for their personal gain or amusement. There are many risks that are too big to take. However, I do feel that the gun laws should change. It is important to know who has the power behind the weapon. The old saying is that "guns don't kill people, it's people that kill people" but with these laws, we can make sure that it isn't a bad person killing for the wrong reasons.
