Sunday, March 4, 2018

Nine notorious dictator Nine shout-outs from Donald Trump

In the past week Trump has congratulated the nine of the well know dictators in the world  who are Xi Jinping from China, Trump stated that Mr. Jinping  that he is a great leader , how he is present for life. Also he congratulated Mr.Jinping  on the work that he has done in his country and how we should try this this some day in other words Trump would want to to try a dictatorship in the United States. The next person he congratulated was of course Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump of course congratulated  Mr. Putin on how he is a leader also on how he has a very strong control over his country. Lastly he stated that  the system that the Russians follow he doesn't want to follow but he felt that Vladimir Putin was a far better leader than the United States previous leader which was President Barack Obama. Now these remarks from Trump where considered the first time trump expressed his admiration for Mr. Putin as president he has also done before during the election. what is interesting is that in the United States human rights report described restrictions in Russia on political participation, the suppression of civil society, and  allegations of torture. thereof based off of these reports Putin is a wonderful leader to Trump. the last major leader is Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte Trump congratulated him on his accomplishment of  cracking down on drug problems. What he did to crack down on the drug problem is that he hunted and killed suspected drug dealers who where selling the drugs while he was mayor. Now that he is president these killings have risen. Trump wants to adopt this idea by putting drug dealer on the death penalty when they are caught. When Trump congratulates these three out of the nine he congratulated it shows something about how trump want to change the course of the United States it seem that he wants to follow a dictator regime this is very dangerous for our society being this can effect our way of living. my question too you is that should we as citizens be worried about trump congratulating these major dictators ? Keep in mind that these leaders are communist leaders which the United States over the years tried to limit the growth of communism in the world.


  1. I don’t think we should be worried that he’s congratulating them. If he starts making new decisions that seem like he’s leaning towards a dictator regime then maybe we can worry but as of right now I don’t think it’s a huge issue. But at the same time these are the same people who tried to limit communism so perhaps Trump
    should keep his distance.

    1. These leaders are communist or have communist ideals therefore he should state away from them and he really should not praise these people who sometimes do horrible things to people in there country therefore i do think trump needs to be very careful on who he can consider to friends in the world especially some of these leaders because it goes back to the saying keep your friends ands close and your enemies closer.

  2. This is unbelievable he makes it seem as if they are people to have parades over and drink to their name. This topic is not something the president should be representing and or backing up in general. The aspect of them being communist leaders makes it worse acknowledging them for the “great work” they do in their countries and saying their better than our own past leadership makes it seem as if we’re lesser than them. This is not a good example of leadership you are supposed to make it so the country you are representing feels that you believe in them and their potential to grow. He makes it so it looks like he would rather be in those countries than this one that he (unfortunately) leads now.

  3. I don't think that we should be too qorriedabout him congratualting them, but if he starts or tried to use his executive power to move towards a dictatorship then we should be worried about our future as a country as this will mainly effect us as we grow up.

    1. we should be worried because trump already feels he is leader overall I feel that Russia has a influence on trump on how a country should be ran therefore i think that trump will eventually try to push his power to the max to try to get closer to the ideal figure of a leader which is like communist leader
