Sunday, April 15, 2018

Congress vs Mark Zuckerberg

Recently congress has brought up Mark Zuckerberg to answers for why important information was leaked to the public. In being brought up congress has 50 people on staff to each have 4 minutes to ask Mark questions and these events. In like of this happening most of the time was spent with the congress staff asking long questions or just giving responses with no time for answers. Congress women Marsha Blackburn asked a very complex and multiple part question for 50 seconds and when Mark started to answer the question she cut him off and said “ I won’t let you filibuster”. With most questions coming like this many problems like the technological aspects of the problem and how will he improve it.
Due to recent events do you believe Mark Zuckerberg was rightfully questioned for his recents acts? I don’t he was rightfully questioned for actions as they didn’t lead to the heart of the problem. They also mainly came at him in ways he couldn’t answer clearly or at all. What does this also say about how our government wants the truth? To me it seems that our government just wants to be right and if so what else have they done this type of trail or questioning with?


  1. Mark Zuckerberg isn't sweating any thing that the congress is asking him. In that time period face book was getting a lot publicity that there stock price rose 0.2 % in the span of a couple of hours. Watching the videos it seems like they don't want to get to the bottom of the problem. Its like there plying a game of tit for tat like there only reaching the surface of the problem not the root. The part were he was explaining the internet the committee show how really seriously they're taking this.

  2. I don't think Mark was intentionally leaking anything. Although I believe this, nobody did anything wrong with questioning him. What was wrong was the fact that they made it public and how they carried themselves with the questioning. They shouldn't have been cutting him off while he was trying defend himself. If they were going to get anything useful out of him they would have treated him with respect and did it a little more privately

  3. I think that it is not just Mark zuckerburg who is worrying aboutn these questioning because you have to keep in mind there are other companies who buy this information and make profit off of it which is a voilation of privacy. this is a problem for the government because there is no laws that really protect people from these social media companies and companies from buying information including background information private information to build and profile off the information that is on these sites. To fix this problem government should put regulations on these companies from buying information on the people of united states because this is a violation of privacy.

    1. I agree other companies should start to worry and be more protected by these owners. The gov’t should also have some regulations on what should be withheld and what could be given. With putting that to the side what about Congress questioning process. Was they fair to question him like that or should that be changed?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think it was unfair to not let mark answer each question given to him just because they all some what had similar questions. However I don't think Mark would just leak this without a motive to doing so. Also i think that you shouldn't have information seller to people on social media sights its people privacy everyone should respect that.

  6. I believe that Mark Zuckerberg shouldn’t be the only one worried if he is. There are multiple businesses and companies that sell peoples information in order to make money instead making their customers pay for the service. I don’t think he was able to answer those questions fully and tried to avoid as much information dumping as possible. Many companies should watch out if congress is really starting to crackdown on this many people might stop using certain apps or products.

  7. After reviewing the event, I feel he wasn't rightfully questioned. After each question he was asked, not much information was recieved and it only got harder to get to the bottom of what was going on. However, I feel he needs to be questioned for what has been done because either way, leaking information is illegal.
