Monday, April 16, 2018

Trump Sends Missiles to Syria as Response....

   The United States alongside with Britain and France sent missiles on April 13(last Friday) to a Syrian Government ran, chemical plant in response of the recent chemical attacks on Syrian rebels by the Syrian regime. These missiles specifically targeted a research facility, a storage facility, and an equipment facility along with a command post(which all happened to be located in Damascus). Although we sent missiles to this chemical weapons program, Syria could actually reconstruct/reassemble their chemical weapons program because of the fact that the missiles targeting such, have only minimized the amount of chemical weapons that were stored in those chemical facilities hit, claims General Kenneth McKenzie Jr(spokesperson for the Pentagon). Now because we the United States along with our allies, Britain and France have bombed Syria, Russia is now in the mix because they happen to be allies with Syria and have Russian troops on duty stationed in Syria. With this happening, Russia actually made threats to America and our allies by warning the Pentagon of the so called "consequences" of bombing Syria. But these claims by Russia don't add up because they also claimed that almost all the missile strikes have been shot down before they hit the targeted chemical plants. But to make things even more confusing, Damascus residents claim to have heard the strikes on the chemical facilities located there.
   I believe that our missiles that were launched to hit those facilities haven't even passed the Russian Defense system other than a few and this act of ignorance/bravery by the United States and our allies may have just sparked the third World War being that Russia and Syria, two strong armies in alliance have made threats to America stating the consequences of our decisions and actions.
Questions for you to answer

1. Did America make a good decision by attempting to bomb Syria since we're the World's so called "Freedom Fighters"?
2. How do think Russia will respond to this act of "bravery" by America?
3. Since we just bombed or attempted to bomb the Syrian Government's property, does that make us as a nation criminals?
4. Is it a safe to assume that this act by America may have contributed to a soon to be third World War?


  1. I believe that the strikes was just the beginning because Syria has a lot more facilities that the U.S and it's allies don't now exist. With these strikes we have now open are self to another conflict that was not our problem to begin with. It's like were gearing up for a war that isn't really our fight to begin with. I think its a mistake.

  2. I believe that we shouldn't have resorted to violence so early. We could have reached out to them and make an alliance, exchange information, and even help their governmental problems. We should have tried to add them to the U.N

  3. To answer your question America was right to bomb Syria because the use of the chemical weapons are illeagl and since they have violated the pact that was created to stop the use of chemical weapons therefore I do feel Trump was right due to the fact that the pact was violated, for now I think that Russia will lay low and try to cover up all of the mess things that they have done to America for now This does not Make America Nation Crimnals because what can you call Syria they have killed thousands of there own people Ameria in my eyes are trying to stop that from happening due to the reason that they are basically following communism I dont think that America has contributed to the 3rd world war because Russia has been pushing the buttons of America and other countries for exampple the cyber attacks from Russia during the election

  4. I don't think it isn't good to just bomb people as a first resort even if we see them as enemies their people too. Russia will look at America differently with their safety blanket of bombs and Russia allied with Syria so Russia won't let this slide. In a way we are like being bullies to other countries then get mad when others do it. This may lead to a WW3 if were bombing people we want to avoid it and but it seems like our president wants this.

  5. I feel two certain ways about the bombing. The U.S was right to take action against Syria because of the chemical weapons, however I don't think it was wise to bomb them. Syria had an alliance with other countries. This puts the U.S at odds with other countries. I feel Russia is going to be furious because they also have alliances with Syria. If anything, I wouldn't be suprised if they took action. It may not be a national crime because the call for bombing was authorized, however this act will not go without consequence. This could lead to World War 3 if the bombings continue.

  6. America wasn’t right in order to bomb syria because that puts us in jeopardy of having world war 3 and destroying what we have left as a country. I don’t believe russia is going to be happy with this little act of “bravery” that we had endulged ourselves with because although it is a nuclear threat there was a better way of taking care of this situation than just bombing the place and not saying sorry. You can’t say as a nation were criminals but more like we handled it in the wrong way where there was multiple ways for it to go down. Yes this could definitely influence a third world war.

  7. America wasn't right to bomb Syria simply due to the chemicals not harming any Americans not anything of our allies, by stepping in on a matter strictly for Syria we now are in a tough posistion. I think that since Russia and America also trade goods with each other they'll try and hurt us economically. I don't think that just because we bombed their facilities which they were using in order to harm their own civilians would make us war criminals but it does put us in the wrong since the head of our country and military decided to handle this with force.
