Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Iran Nuclear Deal

Recently, Trump was faced with deadlines for whether to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear deal. However, Trump was urged by French and German Leaders to save the deal. The Iran Nuclear deal was a deal made in 2015, between Iran, and the six world powers, the US, UK, Russia, France, China, and Germany. This deal was made from the achievement of President Obama’s presidency. This deal  involved lifted crippling economic sanctions on Iran in return for Iran’s limitations with their nuclear weapons. It was imperative to make this deal because other countries feared Iran would create a nuclear weapon. French President Emmanuel Macron feels it would be wise to save the deal, as to they don’t have a Plan B when it comes to nuclear protection from Iran. However, Trump is against being apart of the Iran deal. Back in 2017, Trump was opposed to the deal, feeling that the deal was too lenient with Iran and that they had broken parts of their agreement, due to having numerous nuclear resources and having accessible international inspectors. As of now, Iranian Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is warning Trump that if he quits the deal, Iran will continue in their nuclear programs. Many other countries have tried to convince Trump to keep the deal, but it seems his decision is unwavering.

In my opinion, the right and logical decision to save the deal. With our deal with Iran intact, we would be assured that Iran’s nuclear production would be stopped and the fear of any danger of nuclear weapons would cease. However, without the deal and an alliance with Iran, they would continue to use nuclear weapons. With their advancements in nuclear weapons, who’s to know what type of future we would have with Iran poking their noses in nuclear programs? It would be wise for Trump to save the deal, despite his personal thoughts and feelings. What are your thoughts and feelings on this situation? Do you think Trump should preserve the deal with Iran, or do you think he is wise not to deal with Iran?



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  3. This deal should be kept by Trump. This deal has made it safe and fair for people around the world. With changing this it would put people in a lot of danger around the world. It also shows how personal Trump is taking this. As the president shouldn't put personal gain in the way of things that help people. Trump shouldn't let this go he needs to be the bigger person and keep this law how it is

  4. I have an idea of where Trump is coming from meaning that why should I care for another countries advancments and growth and if they attack America then I’ll deal with it. But I personally feel that he needs to keep the deal because there is more at risk than just a nuclear deal for example the United States has oil pipelines in Iran that could possibly be ceased due to the reason of Trump pulls out of this deal and also the alliance with Iran will be over which mean all of the good things we possibly get from Iran can come to an end. This is bad for the United States government due to reason that we can lose a valuable alliance that can make a country unpredictable.

    1. I agree with your statement. The president is a fool to think that casting away alliances is going to protect anyone. If he wants to keep the people of America safe, then he needs to look at the big picture and make the wise decisions in order to help the people.

  5. It would be wise of Trump to preserve the nuclear deal. If we were to break our agreement with Iran, then our alliance is broken. As you have said, this could prompt Iran to keep using their nuclear weapons and it could put us or any other country in unsafe or hazard conditions. I feel that Trump should think in retrospect and realize how the people would benefit from the deal if he decides to save it.
