Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Russia Vetoes American Solution To Gas Attack

      After the suspected poison gas attack by Syrians on a Damascus suburb, the United States proposed some sort of bill to retaliate against Syria. The matter was brought up at the last U.N meeting and recieved 12 out of 15 votes to pass it. One of the 3 countries that decided to veto it was Russia. This is not the first time that Russia has vetoed a bill regarding Syria. Russia believes that the reason the U.S wants this bill to be passed is to justify attacking another country. The U.S believes that Russia wants to pass a form of their bill that would allow them to gain information and exchange information with Syria without having to disclose said information with anyone who asks. This issue has sparked international chaos and the U.N needs to make a decision in order to maintain peace.

     I agree with the U.S standpoint where we can not allow Russia to pass their bill because them and Syria will be able to conjure up all types of different chemical weapons and those can be used for very devious purposes. I also agree with Russia where it seems that the U.S wants to apply force to Syria for no reason, they just want to flex their guns. I belive that instead of applying force and keeping information a secret, the U.N should reach out to Syria and attempt to sort of recruit them into the U.N. This way you can exchange information and keep an eye on them without any suspicious or malicious intent. What do you think the U.N should do in this situation?


  1. I agree with the u.s point of view because allowing Russia and Syria to get together would be a bad combination. Since Syria has always had a bad history with toxins it would make sense for the u.s to take notice when they start to make friends. These two nations aren't known for peacefulness so we should take a closer look at what there doing together and determine if we should intervene.

    1. I agree but i raise the question of how would we do that without raising suspicion from not only Russia and Syria but from other allied countries

  2. I think that its good were being active to what Syria could be doing and how to put a stop to it quickly. It seems like Russia has other idea and we may have to keep a closer eye to why are they protecting Syria. I also think it would be a good idea for the U.N to take charge and try to get more information from Syria rather has more allies than future enemies.

  3. As a place that isn’t apart of the UN it definitely should be joined into the UN because they are political peace between all countries. Getting them involved would also fix a lot of these issues with information because it can be monitored and fixed at any time. I also believe the US shouldn’t try to be more ruff on any other place because it can really only bring chaos and that never helps. Having Syria join the UN would be the smartest idea to work with them and maybe defuse less problems with them and other places

  4. I feel that having Syria join the U.N would be a wise decision. It would be a safer option to Syria seperated from Russia rather than the two countries together and allied. On a sidenote, I think the U.S retaliating against Syria wouldn't be wise as well. Fighting and killing can be avoided if a peaceful agreement is discussed with Syria. This, in turn, would avoid conflict with the other countries opposed to the gas attacks on Syria. In conclusion, having Syria join the U.N would be beneficial to all nations.

  5. Syria joining the U.N is smart but is it completely beneficial? Hopefully Syria is not only joining to have access to thimgs they didn’t have before. I do believe that the U.S is just using this as an excuse to just retaliate on other countries because it is goin to turn out to be something almost like someone hurt the U.S and we can hit them harder than that situation. The exchanging of information between syria and russia is of some concern seeing as they could be conspiring and come with something that will hurt many people in the process which the U.N and the U.S should not allow

    1. I think that it would be helpful. With their access to their resources and knowledge on chemicals, they could be able to share some valuable information. Also instead of thinking about what we can get from them we ahould focus on the fact that they really need help. If we get them to join and we help them form a solid gov’t, we would have another ally and would be taking a step towards world peace

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    1. Thank you kindly, I appreciate your comments.

  7. The link to the article
    BREAKING. Russia Vetoes UN Security Council Resolution on Syria - RedState
