Friday, April 20, 2018

Democrats vs Trump and Russia

Friday, April 20th we see that the Democrats has filed a lawsuit against the Trump campaign, Russia, and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for interfering with the 2016 campaign saying this was rigged so that Trump would easily beat Hillary. However why now in 2018 this 2016 election impacting so much right now 2 years later it feels too late to bring up now but its here to point fingers. There was a 66 paged lawsuit in the federal court of Manhattan saying that" Trump allegedly curried favor in Russia through their family business, and then Russia allegedly used those connections before the presidential election to disseminate the spoils from a cyber attack on the DNC." The Democrats are going off throwing all these accusations about Trump and Russia working together it seems weird that one party is just attacking another party with no regard their acting like kids. Campaign manager Brad Parscale said, "This is a sham lawsuit about a bogus Russian collusion claim filed by a desperate, dysfunctional, and nearly insolvent Democratic Party."Also, mention that the Democrats are low on money and really can't do much so do you think that the Democrats are creating these theories just to get money? The case showed that there was no new evidence that showed any connection with Trump and Russia working together. Then it shows that all people are saying its all in the Democrats head where they are so broken up with their loss that they'll do anything. In the Summer of 2016, the DNC (Democratic National Committee) said Russia hackers got into their computers they obtained emails and opposition research against trump. "Days before the Democratic National Convention, when Clinton was set to receive the party's presidential nomination, WikiLeaks published tens of thousands of hacked DNC emails." Now that's a weird scenario to have just happened with the DNC to have their emails hack and then WikiLeaks get their hands on it and show it to the world what your thought about this case? However, there is still no answer to this case between Trump and Russia and this is known as a witch hunt


  1. With no real information on this case how can the DNC make these assumptions. It seems to mw that they are doing this not for money but to gey rid of Trump. I believe wants a more suitable president for tgs job. If this is truth I believe they are wrong but i understand why. Trump hasn't been a good president to all people so getting rid if him seems like a job idea. This still doesn't make it right and the DNC should stop if they don't have the prood to follow their accusation.

  2. I believe that this is pointless for them to just blame one or the other and see of there is a better solution. Although Trump already had multiple allegations that he was working with Russia in many other instances. It is very interesting that all these things happen in relation to each other and are seemingly connected to Trump like a domino effect. Even though we may not know the full story, it’s safe to say that if Trump is basically selling secrets to Russia he is a threat to this country and risking our natural security.
